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Home > Blogs > Infectious Diseases > Do and Don’ts for Measles

Do’s and Don’ts for Preventing to Measles

Do and don'ts for measles

What is Measles?

Measles, sometimes known as Rubeola, is a viral respiratory illness that causes high fever in its early stages and is infectious. Even though the measles virus may cause severe illness in young children, the sickness can be easily avoided by vaccination. In terms of global mortality and morbidity, it is a major factor. 

Measles Early Symptoms

Most people will experience the following when they have measles:

  • High fever
  • A barking cough
  • Tiredness
  • The eyes are red or bloodshot
  • Running nose
  • A red rash spreads from the scalp to the rest of the body.

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Measles may also cause other symptoms, such as:


  • Itchy, painful throat
  • The mouth was covered with white spots
  • Aching muscles
  • Light sensitivity

When to see a doctor?

If you or your child has come into touch with someone who may have measles, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. Consult your doctor if your or your child’s measles symptoms worsen.

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    What Causes Measles?

    Measles is a highly transmissible disease. It’s easy to see how this may spread to other people. The measles virus that causes the disease is often detected in the respiratory tracts of affected people.

    Droplets of the measles virus spread through the air when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or speaks. Airborne infectious droplets have a half-hour persistence. 

    The infected droplets may survive and spread for many hours if they settle on a surface. Contact with the measles virus is spread when an infected person touches a contaminated surface and then touches their mouth, nose, or eyes. 

    Contagious measles symptoms often begin four days before the rash emerges and last for another four days. If exposed to someone with measles, persons who have never had or been vaccinated against measles will get infected.

    How Is Measles Diagnosed?

    Your doctor will likely be able to tell whether you have measles just by looking at you. However, they could suggest the following tests to look for the virus:

    • Blood
    • Nasal and pharyngeal secretions
    • Urine

    How Is Measles Treated?

    Viral infections can’t be treated with antibiotics as bacterial ones can. The measures that may either prevent an illness entirely or decrease its impact are:

    • Vaccination for measles may be administered within 72 hours after exposure.
    • A dosage of immunoglobulin (an immunological protein) is administered within six days of exposure.

    As part of your treatment, your doctor may suggest:


    • Fever reducers 
    • Get some rest to strengthen your immune system
    • Drink a lot of water
    • A humidifier to alleviate the symptoms of a dry cough and a scratchy throat
    • Supplementation of vitamin A

    Also Read : How does Coronavirus affect Kids?

    DOs and DON’Ts in Managing Measles

    Following are the dos and don’ts in managing measles:


    • If you have measles while pregnant, let your doctor know, as it might harm your baby.
    • If you have to cough, cover your mouth.
    • Wash your hands often and urge others to do the same.
    • A cool-mist vaporizer is an effective method of relieving coughing.
    • Wear sunglasses outside, and saline eye drops inside if your eyes are sensitive to light.




    • A youngster with measles should stay home from school for approximately ten days. From 5 days before the rash appears until at least five days after it appears, they may spread measles to others.
    • To prevent Reye’s syndrome, aspirin should not be given to anybody less than 16 years old who is experiencing a viral illness.


    If you suspect you may have been exposed to measles, it is important to see a doctor. The discomfort of measles is usually alleviated with medication.

    However, measles may cause life-threatening complications or even death in some people. Vaccinating yourself and your children against measles is safe and effective.

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