Everything You Need to Know About Gestational Diabetes
Gestational diabetes means diabetes that occurs in a woman, when they are pregnant. This occurs usually around 20 -24 weeks of pregnancy. Even if gestational diabetes is detected in woman, you should not panic,as it does not signify that you had diabetes before conceiving or you will get diabetes even after delivery.
Early Signs and symptoms of diabetes?
Diabetes is one of the major health concerns in India . Almost 72 million people are suffering with diabetes. If we have knowledge regarding the early symptoms and signs of diabetes, then it will be easier for doctors to detect diabetes at an earlier stage
All About Diabetes
Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs either when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces.
A few myths and facts on diabetes
Diabetes is considered as a silent killer. Lets look at some myths and facts on Diabetes, which would help you understand and help manage your diabetes better.
Can Diabetes Be Reversed?
This is considered to be a million-dollar question and every diabetic patient wants to know the answer of this question.