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Blogs – General Surgery

Post-Operative Care of Perianal Surgery

Post-Operative Care of Perianal Surgery

The perianal surgery will be done under general/ spinal or local anaesthesia. The most common anaesthesia given is spinal anaesthesia. Postoperatively after an hour or so you will get sensations in your legs and you will feel mild to moderate operative site pain that will be covered by intravenous analgesic drugs.

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Perianal Diseases

Perianal Diseases

Hello friends, today we shall discuss and will know some facts about perianal diseases. In a lay man’s language every disease at anus is named as piles. But medically there are four different ailments.

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What Is Hernia Operation?

What Is Hernia Operation?

A hernia is a painful condition where an internal organ protrudes from a weakened area in the muscles around it. There are various types of hernias which include inguinal hernia, umbilical hernia, hiatal hernia, etc.

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