काळजी घ्या काळजाची!
डॉ. बिपिन विभुते, Liver Transplant Surgeon, Sahyadri Hospitals
मानवाच्या शरीरात लिव्हर (यकृत) हा महत्त्वाचा भाग मानला जातो. त्याची अनेक कार्ये आहेत. प्रत्येक गोष्टी साठी शरीराला शक्ती देण्यापासून ते रक्ताचं शुद्धीकरणाचं महत्त्वाचं कार्य यकृत करतं
Protect Your Liver…Avoid Alcohol
Alcohol isn’t good for your life. For some people, consuming as little as one glass of wine or beer a day can cause liver problems to develop.
Acute Liver Failure: Causes, Diagnosis, And The Role Of Liver Transplantation
The Liver is one of the most vital organs in our body. Because of its huge reservoir of function and a unique ability to regenerate itself it is affected by a lot of diseases.
That day…I felt one with the universe
Don’t know how long I stood there, blank and vacuous, except that my heart felt heavy with tears, and suddenly – I heard the hum of a chant I’ve had a rather difficult, one would say non-existent relationship with God.