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गरोदर होण्याचे योग्य वय
आज कोव्हीड ला येऊन २ वर्ष झालीत आणि ३ लाटा तरीही पेशंटसना कोव्हीड लसीकरण व pregnancy बद्दल खूप शंका अन् मनात भीती आहे.
कर्करोगाची शक्यता कमी करण्यासाठी जीवनशैली नियंत्रणात ठेवा.
भारतात कर्करोगाचे प्रमाण झपाट्याने वाढत असून ही एक गंभीर बाब आहे. भारतात सर्वसामान्यपणे आढळणार्या कर्करोगांमध्ये फुफ्फुस,स्तन,गर्भाशय आणि कोलोरेक्टल (आतडे आणि गुदद्वार) यांचा समावेश आहे.
कर्करोगाच्या उपचारांमध्ये सकारात्मक दृष्टिकोन,संयम,सातत्य महत्वाचे असते.
अनेकवेळा कर्करोगामुळे होणारे मृत्यु टाळण्याजोगे असतात,मात्र अंतिम टप्प्यात उपचारासाठी आल्यामुळे हे शक्य करणे कठीण जाते.म्हणूनच काही लक्षणे जाणवल्यास लगेचच आपल्या डॉक्टरांशी संपर्क साधावा.दुसरीकडे कर्करोग होऊ नये म्हणून लोकांनी आपल्या जीवनशैली आणि सवयींबाबत जागरूक राहावे,आहाराबाबत चांगले पर्याय निवडावे.महिलांमध्ये स्तन आणि गर्भाशयाचा कर्करोग हा सामान्यत: आढळून येतो.
What Causes Angiosarcoma Of The Liver?
Angiosarcoma is a type of cancer that occurs in endothelial cells of lymphatic or blood vessels. It is visible in multiple body areas for different patients, including the skin, heart, deep tissues, and liver. In addition, different types of angiosarcomas occur in different parts of the body.
Covid Vaccination and Pregnancy
आज कोव्हीड ला येऊन २ वर्ष झालीत आणि ३ लाटा तरीही पेशंटसना कोव्हीड लसीकरण व pregnancy बद्दल खूप शंका अन् मनात भीती आहे.
Care Tips After Hip Replacement Surgery?
To get rid of extreme hip pain, people may undergo hip replacement surgery. As a result, it improves the damage caused by injury or arthritis and releases your pain.
How Painful Is a Hip Replacement?
Hip replacement surgery is a process to remove the painful hip joint. We replace the hip suffering from arthritis with an artificial joint made from plastic and metal components.
What Is The Reason For Finger Joint Pain?
Pain in the finger joint can become increasingly difficult to handle as the condition worsens. It can seriously interfere with day-to-day activities.
Umbilical Hernia Treatment Without Surgery ?
A hernia develops when an internal organ or fatty tissue pushes itself through a weak spot in the connective muscle.
Post-Operative Care of Perianal Surgery
The perianal surgery will be done under general/ spinal or local anaesthesia. The most common anaesthesia given is spinal anaesthesia. Postoperatively after an hour or so you will get sensations in your legs and you will feel mild to moderate operative site pain that will be covered by intravenous analgesic drugs.
Perianal Diseases
Hello friends, today we shall discuss and will know some facts about perianal diseases. In a lay man’s language every disease at anus is named as piles. But medically there are four different ailments.
What Are The Contraceptives Methods?
काल माझ्या पूर्विची सिझेरियन प्रसुती असलेल्या पेशंटची ऐच्छिक सिझेरियन प्रसुती ठरवताना सवयीचा प्रश्न विचारला , ” काय गं तूझा मूलगा आता ६वर्षांचा ना? करूयात का कुटुंबनियोजनाची शस्त्रक्रिया या वेळी? “
List of Diseases Affecting Nervous System
The nervous system helps the body to think, feel, and say. It carries all the complicated processes of the human system, like memory, thought, and movement.
Genetics From Lab To Patient Care!!
Home > Blogs > Genetics > Genetics From Lab To Patient Care!!Genetics From Lab To Patient...
Symptoms of the Weak Nervous System?
The nervous system is the command center of our body. It uses specialized cells to carry information to the brain and different body parts. These electrical signals help the body move. It also allows the body to feel different sensations like pain, cold, hot, etc. However, many types of conditions and disorders can interrupt the working of the nervous system by either weakening it or damaging it.