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Ways to combat stroke

Ways to combat stroke

It’s a cold winter morning. A middle-aged man residing with his family , gets up and walks to the bathroom. While on his way he develops sudden headache and falls down , on the floor.

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Managing Epilepsy

Managing Epilepsy

Epilepsy is a chronic disease and the one of the most common neurological disorder which affects people of all ages. Epilepsy, by definition is the tendency to have seizures in person without any provocative factor.

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What is an Electrophysiology (EP) Study?
Electrophysiology study is a powerful test to diagnose arrhythmia’s accurately and help treating them effectively.

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Liver Transplant : A Boon

Liver Transplant : A Boon

The liver is one of the largest organs in your body. It helps digest the food you eat and convert it into energy. It also helps fight infections and cleans your blood, thus making it a very vital organ.

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Protect Your Liver…Avoid Alcohol

Protect Your Liver…Avoid Alcohol

Alcohol isn’t good for your life. For some people, consuming as little as one glass of wine or beer a day can cause liver problems to develop.

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That day…I felt one with the universe

That day…I felt one with the universe

Don’t know how long I stood there, blank and vacuous, except that my heart felt heavy with tears, and suddenly – I heard the hum of a chant I’ve had a rather difficult, one would say non-existent relationship with God.

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Doctor’s Guidance Can Save Life

Doctor’s Guidance Can Save Life

Every new day comes with a new set of challenges. While health is one of the most important parts of our lifestyle, it is the community of doctors that are regarded as our true companions to lead a better life.

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In 2014, Mr. S I, a 34-year-old graduate, gave up his job to become an Uber driver. The very next month he was diagnosed with a rare form of lung cancer called Alk positive adenocarcinoma which responds to an oral targeted therapy.

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How to beat the heat with a proper diet

How to beat the heat with a proper diet

The beginning of this month increases the intensity of summer. During this period, the heat increases and the water level in our body declines. Also, we tend to get anaemic and tired quickly

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Cancers and Women

Cancers and Women

Cancer remains one of the leading causes of death worldwide. With the emergence of new types of cancer and increase in number of new cases of cancer in the world

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Say No To Tobacco And Yes To Life

Say No To Tobacco And Yes To Life

50 people will die in the next hour; cause of death: tobacco. Cigarettes, cigars, and pipe tobacco are made from dried tobacco leaves.

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A few myths and facts on diabetes

A few myths and facts on diabetes

Diabetes is considered as a silent killer. Lets look at some myths and facts on Diabetes, which would help you understand and help manage your diabetes better.

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