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हर टू (HER2)पॉझिटिव्ह ब्रेस्ट कॅन्सरवर लक्षित थेरपी प्रभावकारक
सर्व स्तनांच्या कर्करोगांमध्ये हर टू पॉझिटिव्ह ब्रेस्ट कॅन्सरचे प्रमाण 15 ते 20 टक्के असते.1990 च्या दशकात जेव्हा पहिल्यांदा या प्रकारच्या स्तन कर्करोगाविषयी माहिती समोर आली,तेव्हा यावर फारसे परिणामकारक उपचार उपलब्ध नव्हते.
Promising New Data Emerges for the Treatment of Cancer
The Future of Cancer care will include less chemotherapy. Immunotherapy and targeted therapy and combinations of these treatments will increasingly be used. Stage 4 cancer will become a chronic disease and patients will live with cancer instead of dying from it.
Breastfeeding: A vital part of public health responsibility
Breastfeeding is an important part of motherhood journey. Breast milk is vital to the mental and physical wellbeing of any child . Breastfeeding is the most important link between a mother and her child.
Which Foods That Lower Cholesterol Fat?
Cholesterol can be a good as well as a bad thing in the human body. We require cholesterol to create hormones, Vitamin D, and other substances to digest the food we consume.
Do’s and Don’ts after Inguinal Hernia Surgery
A hernia is a common health condition caused due to pressure on the weak abdominal muscles. This pressure pushes a tissue or an organ through an opening to another connective muscle.
What Are The 5 Warning Signs Of Breast Cancer?
Breast cancer is the second most common cancer among women. Every woman must stay aware and look for any early symptoms. Women over 40 must go for a screening once a year. They should also do regular self-examination to look for any symptoms. Thus, every woman needs to know the occurrence of these changes and when a sign can be a warning sign.
What is a Coronary Artery Bypass Graft? (CABG)
CABG is the most common type of open-heart surgery that helps people improve their heart’s blood flow. It is beneficial for people who are suffering from severe CHD or coronary heart disease.
What Is Open-Heart Surgery And Why Is It Used?
Open heart surgery or bypass surgery which the surgeon performs to repair a heart. Although being a complicated one, open-heart surgery is one of the most common surgeries done upon adults.
Everything You Need to Know About Gestational Diabetes
Gestational diabetes means diabetes that occurs in a woman, when they are pregnant. This occurs usually around 20 -24 weeks of pregnancy. Even if gestational diabetes is detected in woman, you should not panic,as it does not signify that you had diabetes before conceiving or you will get diabetes even after delivery.
Test Tube Baby Is Good Or Bad?
The test tube baby treatment has successfully brought back hopes among parents who could not conceive normally.
Which Doctor To Consult For Erectile Dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction is a condition where the penis does not get firm or stay firm for long during sexual intercourse.
What should I do after a lumpectomy?
Lumpectomy is a type of surgery common for female patients with breast cancer. Here, doctors cut out the cancerous area of tissue in the breast, and some of the normal tissue present around it. In medical terms, this area is termed as ‘surgical margin’.
Hepatitis Can’t-Wait
While Covid -19 has impacted treatment of almost all ailments, the sheer magnitude of hepatitis affected people calls for increased awareness and action for early diagnosis and treatment. World Hepatitis Day is observed every year on 28 July and this year the theme is ‘Hepatitis Can’t Wait’.
IVF – an Effective Choice for Those Struggling With Infertility?
A newborn baby, a child brings loads of happiness not only to the parents but the entire family. It stimulates a positive atmosphere as seeing the child grow is a unique experience in itself.
चार महिन्याच्या बाळाच्या हृदयात असलेले छिद्र बुजविण्यासाठी सह्याद्रि हॉस्पिटल्समध्ये हायब्रिड प्रक्रिया
(व्हेंट्रीक्युलर सेप्टल डिफेक्ट (व्हीएसडी) म्हणजे हृदयात असलेले छिद्र असून हृदयासंबंधी बाळांमध्ये जन्मजात आढळणारी ही सामान्य व्याधी आहे.हृदयाचे दोन कप्पे वेगळे करणार्या भिंतीमध्ये (सेप्टम) हे छिद्र आढळून येते.यामुळे हृदयातील रक्त हे डाव्या कप्प्यांमधून उजव्या कप्प्यांमध्ये जाऊ शकते.यामुळे प्राणवायूयुक्त रक्त आणि प्राणवायू कमी असलेले रक्त हे एकमेकांमध्ये मिसळतात आणि बाळावर त्याचा विपरीत परिणाम होऊ शकतो.)