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What is Partial Mastectomy?

What is Partial Mastectomy?

Partial mastectomy is the removal of cancer cells along with some normal tissue but not in the breast itself. Partial Mastectomy is also known as Lumpectomy.

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Cervical Cancer

Cervical Cancer

The main cause of cervical cancer is a viral infection (human papillomavirus).

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What is Breast Cancer Screening?

What is Breast Cancer Screening?

Breast Cancer screening is the process of examining the mammary gland of the women to find any cancer cell presence before any indication provided by the gland

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व्हेरीकोज व्हेन्स ला घाबरू नका

व्हेरीकोज व्हेन्स ला घाबरू नका

व्हेरीकोज व्हेन्स ही स्थिती शरीरावर कुठेही होऊ शकते,मात्र सामान्यत: पायावर दिसून येते.या पायाच्या सुजलेल्या पिळलेल्या नसा/शिरा दिसून येत असल्याने व्हेरीकोज व्हेन्स ने ग्रस्त असलेल्या लोकांना अस्वस्थ वाटते.

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BirthPlan 101

BirthPlan 101

Planning is the stone that leads to success. It is known to be one of the pillars to the success of any event, trip or anything we do.

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Breast Pressing Causes Breast Cancer?

Breast Pressing Causes Breast Cancer?

Cancer is a stage where the cells present in the breast of women starts to change. The alteration let the cells divide and multiply in an uncontrolled way.

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How to Cure a Breast Lump?

How to Cure a Breast Lump?

A Breast Lump is a common type of formation that results from the growth of any tissue. This can happen in any part of the body.

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Expecting Natural Birth? Know How..

Expecting Natural Birth? Know How..

Firstly, let us understand what is natural birth. Natural birth is vaginal birth without medical intervention or pain relieving medications.

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The Phobia of Birth

The Phobia of Birth

Today I want to tell you a story. Shilpa was a happy mother, her pregnancy had been smooth, her husband was extremely supportive.

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How is a Breast Exam Performed?

How is a Breast Exam Performed?

The goal of breast examination is to detect if the mammary gland is affected by the cancer virus. These are usually screening methods.

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Perception of Birth

Perception of Birth

One of the most life changing events in a woman’s life is the event of giving birth to her child.

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How to Do a Self Breast Exam?

How to Do a Self Breast Exam?

The Breast is the most sensitive and important organ for a woman. Breast cancers are increasing at a high rate and due to tissue cancer, the death ratio has also been increased.

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Waterbirth Preface

Waterbirth Preface

In the condition of low sperm count, the semen you ejaculate during an orgasm contains a lesser amount of sperm than normal.

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