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Waterbirth Preface

Suman Simons | Water Birthing Dula Expert


Giving birth is commonly known as one of the most difficult phases a woman has to go through in her life. More notably this action is usually perceived as extremely painful and stressful for the mother.

This picture of labor as an extremely painful experience started to slowly and glacially change in 1805, Europe. When an exhausted mother was offered by her doctor to sit in a warm tub of water after a long 2-day labor.

This brought about such a change in the state of this weary mother that in about an hour’s time she had given birth to a healthy baby boy inside the tub.

This was in fact the first documented case of water birth globally. The world of medicine and obstetrics has come a long way since then and now we see the ripples this humble birth in Europe had caused come into effect.

Internationally water birth as a concept has been accepted by many as a form of liberation, independence, and self-empowerment. Women who are more aware of their bodies and their needs have made the decision to educate and spread awareness about the different methods of birthing.

Birth is supposed to be enjoyed and it is said to be the peak of a woman’s life, sadly it has become one of the major reasons for anxiety among the women of today. Misinformation, malpractice, and fear have eliminated the magic of this process.

WE want to help remind all the women about the same magic. We want to encourage our mothers to ask questions and seek answers, to be informed about the options and the choices they are about to make. Above all eliminate the fear associated with birthing and bring back the pure joy.

It is our priority as primary health care providers to not only take care of your health but also your complete well being may it be mental or emotional, and to do the same we have specialized counseling services that can be availed at our hospital.

We at mom story are taking the baton and equipping ourselves to change the narrative of birthing in India. We have taken it upon ourselves to provide our mothers the comfort and joy of birth. In step with the same, we now have the option of water birthing and natural birthing available to us.

So join us and allow us to make your birth exciting, joyous, and most of all a pleasant experience for you and your little one.

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    About Author

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    Suman Simons

    Water Birthing Dula Expert
    Contact: +91 88888 22222
    Email - [email protected]

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