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Exercises to do After Breast Cancer Surgery

Even after breast cancer surgery, you or your loved ones might face some problems.

But what if doing some exercises will prevent or reduce those problems.


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How to prevent Lymphedema after breast surgery?

Lymphedema is easily preventable with regular exercise.

You have to start this exercise on the next day of your surgery.

It’s a 4-step exercise. Let’s take a look:

  • Step 1:

Join your palms in the praying posture and extend them forward. Arms should be at 90 degrees with both shoulders.

  • Step 2:

Take both hands in the same position beside your ears at 180 degrees off your shoulder. Ensure your arms are not bent from the elbow and your palms are joined. 

  • Step 3:

Move your palms away from each other and take them to your side like the birds opening their wings. Keep your elbows and hands straight.

  • Step 4:

Take both hands on the backside, retract the shoulders and stand straight.

You have to repeat the same cycle ten times in a row. Similarly, you have to do this exercise 10 times a day.

That means you will repeat the cycle 100 times a day. You can do this exercise the very next day of the surgery.

You can look at this video guide from Dr Vinod for a better understanding.

Performing this exercise regularly after your breast surgery can help prevent Lymphedema.

We request that every patient who has undergone breast surgery pay serious attention to Physiotherapy.

Doing this exercise in the right way is very important.

So make sure you learn it properly from your Physiotherapist and do it regularly.

Caring words

Lymphedema is one of the most common side effects of breast surgery. But with regular physiotherapy, you can easily prevent it.

So make sure you strictly follow your surgeon’s and Physiotherapist’s guidelines.

If you need any additional information, we are here to help.

Feel free to reach out to us via e-mail or a call.


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