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Welcome to Meningioma Database

This database is an outcome of the work done by a team of Specialists encompassing Neurosurgeons, Histopathologists and Cytogeneticists. This study is deduced from the who patientsunderwent treatment for meninigiomas at our Hospitals.

Patient Demographic Details

Age (Years)≤2021-4041-60>60
Total 19707569341
72(37%)125 (63%)
Side of Tumor (Intra-cranial)
LeftRightCV Junction
Site of Tumor
Base of SkullSurfaces of brainIntraventricularSpinal

Grade I Meningioma

TotalGrade I
197181 (92%)
Benign grade I meningiomas are slow growing tumours which include histological variants such as meningothelial, fibrous and transitional meningiomas. Grade I meningiomas present with whorl formation giving rise to concentric rings of hyalinization and psammoma bodies. After complete surgical resection, 5% of Grade I benign meningiomas are known to recur after 5 years.

Histopathology of different variants of benign or WHO Grade I Meningioma

A. Meningothelial B. Transitional C. Fibrous D. Angiomatous E. Microcystic F. Psammomatous G. Secretory H. Lymphoplasmacyte-rich I. Metaplastic

Grade II Meningioma

TotalGrade II
1978 (4%)
Grade II meningiomas are atypical meningiomas showing increased cellularity, high nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio, prominent nucleoli, sheet-like growth and foci of spontaneous necrosis and at times can be brain invasive. These are associated with a significantly higher risk of local tumour recurrence than benign meningiomas, even after gross total resection.

Histopathology of different variants of benign or WHO Grade I Meningioma

A. Clear Cell B. Chondroid

Grade III Meningioma

TotalGrade III
1978 (4 %)
Grade III meningiomas, also known as anaplastic meningiomas are classified as associated with a poor prognosis of a median survival time of less than 2 years after diagnosis. They account for 1-3% of all meningioma cases. These tumours are clinically more aggressive, can infiltrate neighbouring tissues and form metastatic deposits.

Histopathology of variants of Anaplastic or WHO Grade III Meningioma

A. Rhabdoid B. Papillary

Genetic Markers as Indicators of Prognosis

Genetic marker studiedFindingsPrognosis
Chromosome 1pDeletedPoor, indicating recurrence
Chromosome 14qDeletedPoor, early relapse
p16 geneDeletedPoor, aggressive tumour
Deletions of Genetic Markers (Total 32)
Genetic Marker deletionGenetic Markers Co-deletion
1pp1614q1p and 14q together1p & p1614q & p16
Representative FISH images of 1p, 14q and p16 gene
(The bars in all images are equal to 50 µm.)

Meningioma Recurrence

Association of Genetic Marker abnormalities in recurrent and non-recurrent meningioma samples compared to Histology Grades.
A. Genetic Marker Deletions compared with Histopathology Grade in Recurrent Samples (n=8)
Histopathology GradeGenetic Marker deletionGenetic Markers Co-deletion
1pp1614q1p & 14q1p & p1614q & p16
Association of Genetic Marker abnormalities in non-recurrent meningioma samples compared to Histopathology Grades
B. Genetic Marker Deletions compared with Histopathology Grade in Non-Recurrent Samples (n=24)
Histopathology GradeGenetic Marker deletionGenetic Marker Co-deletion
1pp1614q1p & 14q1p & p1614q & p16
Association of genetic marker abnormalities in recurrent meningioma samples (n=14) (at significance level of 5%)
Genetic Marker1p deleted1p not deleted
Recurrence (Total no. 14)311
‘p’ value (<0.05)0.054
Genetic Markerp16 deletedp16 not deleted
Recurrence (Total no. 14)59
‘p’ value (<0.05)<0.001
Genetic Marker14q deleted14q not deleted
Recurrence (Total no. 14)212
‘p’ value (<0.05)0.289
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