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Home > Hospitals – Nagar Road Branch

Nagar Road Branch

Sahyadri Super Speciality Hospital, Nagar Road

2,426 Google Reviews

Sahyadri hospitals is the largest chain of hospitals in Maharashtra with its network units spread across Pune, Nashik and Karad.

Sahyadri Super Speciality Hospital, Nagar Road marks the presence of the group in East Pune. It is a 130 bedded Multi-Speciality Tertiary Care NABH accreditated Hospital. It provides all Medical Specialities and Super Specialities under one roof including a state-of-the-art Cath Lab, IVF Lab, well quipped ICU & CCU as well as NICU. It is supported by a NABL accredited Lab ,Diagnostic & Imaging Services like CT Scan, MRI,Digital X-Ray, Stress Test, Colour Doppler & Sonography.

Sahyadri Super Speciality Hospital, Nagar Road aims to provide high quality healthcare services. In the next 5 years, Sahyadri Speciality Hospital Nagar is poised to become a hub for medical tourism in Pune.

Services & Facilities

  • 24-Hour services
  • Pharmacy
  • Radiology
  • Ambulance
  • Blood Storage
  • Emergency room
  • Cardiac Catheterisation Lab
  • Laboratory
  • Histopathology
  • Clinical pathology
  • Cytology
  • Biochemistry
  • Microbiology
  • Pathology
  • Genetics
  • Radiology & Diagnostics
  • Digitized radiography
  • Ultrasound & Color Doppler
  • Echocardiography
  • CT
  • MRI
  • Interventional radiology
  • EEG , EMG
  • PFT
  • Rehabilitation
  • InPatient Rooms
  • Rooms (Deluxe, Single, Twin sharing, General Ward, Cubicle)
  • Intensive Care Unit
  • Cardiac recovery unit
  • Neonatal ICU
  • Operating Theatre
  • Equipped with state of art technology
  • Daycare surgery Unit
  • Endoscopy Suite
  • Dialysis
  • Cafeteria
  • 24 Hrs Cafe

Health Packages

Our team of expert doctors have devised special preventive health check-up packages ,which help in early detection
of diseases leading to a healthier life.

Healthcare Packages

Healthcare Package List - Nagar Road, Pune

Rs 2420/- Book Now

Cancer Package

Recommended for females below 40 years

  • Haemogram
  • Stool Occult Blood
  • PAP Smear
  • Chest X-Ray
  • USG – Abdomen & Pelvis
  • Sonomammography
  • Physician Check -Up

Rs 2420/- Book Now

Basic Package

Recommended for 30+ age group

  • Haemogram
  • Glucose F & PP
  • Lipid Profile
  • Urine Routine
  • ECG
  • Chest X-ray
  • USG- Abdomen & Pelvis
  • ophthal Check-Up
  • Gynaec Check-Up (Females)
  • General Surgery Check-Up (Males)
  • Physician Check- Up

Rs 4840/- Book Now

Executive Package

Recommended for 35+ age group

  • Haemogram
  • Glucose F & PP
  • Lipid Profile
  • LFT
  • Urea
  • Creatinine
  • Urine Routine
  • ECG
  • Chest X-Ray
  • USG – Abdomen & Pelvis
  • PFT
  • Stress Test / 2D Echo
  • Pap Smear (For Females )/PSA (For Males)
  • Ophthal Check-Up
  • Gynaec Check-Up(Females)
  • General Surgery Check-Up (Males)
  • Physician Check-Up
Rs 1815/- Book Now
For Women

Recommended for females below 40 years

  • Haemogram
  • Urine Routine
  • Pap Smear
  • Sonomammography
  • USG – Abdomen & Pelvis
  • Gynaec Check-Up

Rs 3630/- Book Now

Happy Heart Package

Recommended for 40+ age group

  • Haemogram
  • Urea
  • Creatinine
  • Glucose F & PP
  • Lipid Profile
  • Chest X-Ray
  • ECG
  • 2D Echo
  • TMT
  • Physician Check -Up

Rs 2999/- Book Now

Customized Health Checkup

If you have a list /set of investigations with you, we can provide you the best possible rates.

For more details ,please contact us at 7768003759.

Bio Medical Waste Report

Bio-Medical Waste Report 2020
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Bio-Medical Waste Report – April 2023
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Bio-Medical Waste Report – May 2023
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Bio-Medical Waste Report – June 2023
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Bio-Medical Waste Report – July 2023
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Bio-Medical Waste Report – August 2023
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Bio-Medical Waste January 2024
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Bio-Medical Waste February 2024
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Bio-Medical Waste March 2024
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Bio-Medical Waste June 2024
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Near Hermes Heritage, Shastri Nagar, Nagar Road, Yerawada, Pune 411006, Maharashtra, India


+91 88888 22222


      Appointment Form

      +91-88888 22222
      +91-88062 52525
      Call Now: 88888 22222