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Refund and Cancellation Policy


  • By making payment to us through our website or digital application, you acknowledge and agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined in this refund policy.
  • This policy is applicable to all units of Sahyadri Hospitals Pvt Ltd (“Company”) along with its Subsidiary companies.
  • This policy is subject to revisions based on decisions taken by management from time to time.
  • Cancellation and Refund policy is applicable only for online payments made through payment gateway platform for the services which are provided through website or through digital application.
  • If you choose to pay online, you may be directed to a third-party payment gateway to enable the processing of the payment. This transaction will be governed by the terms and conditions and privacy policy of the third-party payment gateway. Company shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly arising out of the usage, decline, or acceptance of authorization for any transaction, for any reason whatsoever.
  • For Cancellations and for any disputes, you may send mail to [email protected]along with details as mentioned in Annexure 1 below.If the same is accepted by the company, refunds will be processed manually within7 to 15 working days after due verification and approval by respective authorities. Additional time may be required to reflect the refund in your bank account, depending on the policies and procedures of your bank or payment service provider.
  • Certain payments may not be eligible for refunds, including but not limited to payments made for:

a) Digital products or services that have been accessed or downloaded.

b) Customized or personalized items.

c) Services already availed which involve utilization of consumable goods.

  • We reserve the right to amend or update our refund policy at any time. Any changes will be communicated to our customers through our website or other appropriate channels.
  • Annexure 1
Patient Name: Mentioned while making payment
PRN Number:  If patient is already registered with hospital
Unit (Hospital Location): To which the Request was raised
Telephone No: Mentioned while making payment
Email ID:Mentioned while making payment
City: Mentioned while making payment
Payment Transaction ID: Mentioned in Receipt
Transaction Date: The date on which the request was raised
Account No:
Account Holder Name:
IFSC Code:



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