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75% Discount On Hospitalisation

100% Personalised Healthcare

Covid -19 Hospitalisation Covered

What’s New This Year?

Increase in Cover Amount

Huge Increase in cover amount, now increased to 3 lacs. Also introducing Plan with higher cover of Rs. 5 lacs

More Surgeries Covered

Now Cataract, Angiography, Angioplasty, Knee joint replacement surgeries are covered, with just 3 months cooling period.

More Specialties Covered

Cancer treatment also covered for beneficiaries of the scheme for the year 2021-22

Complete Advanced Solution for you!

*Limited Time offer ADD YOUR OFFER HERE

Celebrate Second Inning Of Your Life

All the major queries are answered below, if you still have any query do call us on: +91 – 88888 22222

About Sakal Sahyadri Suraksha Kawach

Sakal Sahyadri Suraksha Kawach:

Sakal Sahyadri Suraksha Kawach is a comprehensive Health Program, exclusively for seniors. It’s a way of leading a happy second inning for Senior Citizens. It covers all probable health risks and encourages seniors to lead a life of pride, prestige & protection. It’s a legacy of one & half decades that is continuously being strengthened by a bond of trust and care.

Thousands of stories of Senior Citizens winning their battles against myriad health issues, have laid a strong foundation of conviction. Backed by state-of-the-art, advanced & hi-tech infrastructure of Sahyadri Hospitals, today Sakal Sahyadri Suraksha Kawach has become synonymous with holistic health cover of a happy & active community of elders.

You can now spend your golden years, without any financial worries related to healthcare.

Sakal Sahyadri Suraksha Kawach provides financial security for critical illnesses, hospitalisation, medical check-ups, Consultations and more.

Complete Advanced Solution for you!

*Limited Time offer ADD YOUR OFFER HERE



75% Discount, 100% Care


Covid -19 Hospitalisation covered

Offers 75% Discount on Hospitalisation, including high end & complex surgeries like Cardiac Bypass Surgery/ Angiographies & Angioplasties/ Joint Replacements/ Cancer treatments/ Neurosurgeries etc

Huge Round The Year Savings On OPD Expenses​

Sahyadri Hospitals is the largest chain of hospitals in Maharashtra. It is the brainchild of Dr. Charudutt Apte


MRI/CT Scan/Sonography


Routine Pathology Lab Test


Routine Dental Services At SSH Bibwewadi

OF RS 250/-

Specialist Doctor Fixed Consultation


Routine Medicines

Add On Family Coupons

Benefits To Other Family Members

Complete Advanced Solution for you!

*Limited Time offer ADD YOUR OFFER HERE

Our Plans

Sahyadri Hospitals is the largest chain of hospitals in Maharashtra. It is the brainchild of Dr. Charudutt Apte

Regular Plan

Cover Amount Rs.3,00,000/-

Individuals registering for Regular plan are eligible for 75% discounts on IPD services(subject to exclusions), up to the maximum discount of Rs 300,000/- and is applicable to General Ward only. Admission in higher wards is possible by paying the difference amount, for details T&C booklet.

Age group of a BeneficiaryConsideration to SHPL for medical servicesConsideration to SMPL for Social Services (Inclusive of taxes)Total Considerations
50 to 69 years i.e Born between 1st April 1953 & 31st March 1972 (both days inclusive)Rs. 5200Rs. 1200Rs. 6400
70 years and above i.e. Born on or before 31st March 1953Rs. 6600Rs. 1200Rs. 7800
Platinum Plans
Cover Amount Rs.5,00,000/-
Individuals registering for Platinum plan are eligible for 75% discounts on IPD services(subject to exclusions) up to the maximum discount of Rs 500,000/- and is applicable to all the categories of wards
Age group of a BeneficiaryConsideration to SHPL for medical servicesConsideration to SMPL for Social Services (Inclusive of taxes)Total Considerations
50 to 69 years i.e Born between 1st April 1953 & 31st March 1972 (both days inclusive)Rs. 8500Rs. 1200Rs. 9700
70 years and above i.e. Born on or before 31st March 1953Rs. 10000Rs. 1200Rs. 11200

*No Claim Bonus

For both the plans, No Claim Bonus of Rs. 30,000/- will be added to the cover amount if the beneficiary has not availed any IPD discount since the inception of this scheme


Patient Feedbacks are little doses of motivation that keeps us moving every day. Some of them are:

Most Frequently Asked Questions

What will be before & after preparation for surgery?

The robotic arm is equipped with a force sensor that allows the surgeon to manually move the robotic unit to location. Different attachments (for measuring or cutting) can be fitted onto the robotic arm. Sensors are placed into the knee at certain points, which allows the optical unit to create a roadmap of the patient’s knee.

What to expect in surgery?
The robotic arm is equipped with a force sensor that allows the surgeon to manually move the robotic unit to location. Different attachments (for measuring or cutting) can be fitted onto the robotic arm. Sensors are placed into the knee at certain points, which allows the optical unit to create a roadmap of the patient’s knee.
What are the Complications?
The robotic arm is equipped with a force sensor that allows the surgeon to manually move the robotic unit to location. Different attachments (for measuring or cutting) can be fitted onto the robotic arm. Sensors are placed into the knee at certain points, which allows the optical unit to create a roadmap of the patient’s knee.
What about follow-up after surgery?
The robotic arm is equipped with a force sensor that allows the surgeon to manually move the robotic unit to location. Different attachments (for measuring or cutting) can be fitted onto the robotic arm. Sensors are placed into the knee at certain points, which allows the optical unit to create a roadmap of the patient’s knee.

Sahyadri Hospitals Has Touched
The Lives Of More Than 50 Lakh People
By Providing Quality Care.

8 Hospitals

2600 Expert Staff

900 Beds

27 Years Experience

2000 Clinician

2000 Clinician

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