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Home > Videos > Urology and Nephrology > Signs and Symptoms of Kidney Stones

Signs and Symptoms of Kidney Stones

A hard gathering makes kidney stones of minerals and salts generally made from uric acid or calcium. These deposits develop in the kidneys but can grow anywhere around the urinary tracts: ureters, kidneys, and bladders.

To know more about the causes, symptoms, and other details related to the kidney stones, read below-

Signs and Symptoms of Kidney Stones

Generally, the patient will not feel any symptoms unless the kidney stone moves around the kidney or passes in the ureters. This tube connects the kidneys with the bladder. 

Larger kidney stones usually cause symptoms, while smaller stones can easily pass from the urinary tract. Here are some major symptoms which can help you detect the kidney stones-

  1. The painful sensation during urination happens when the kidney stone reaches the point where the ureter and bladder meet. It can cause sharp pain or burning during urinating. 
  2. Blood appears in urine– It is a very common symptom among patients who have a kidney stone in the urinary tract. The colour of the blood may appear brown and pink other than red. 
  3. Urine Blockage– Urine blockage means that you will urinate very little every time. You will have a constant urge to pee every time. 
  4. Pain and Foul Smell– The kidney stone causes pain in the belly and back. It happens when the stone moves towards the narrow ureter. It is also known as hematuria. You will also feel that the urine is releasing a bad odour.

Different types of Kidney Stones

Primarily there are four types of Kidney Stones-

  1. Uric Acid Stones– These kidney stones are made up of uric acid. It is a waste product that develops due to chemical changes. It can also occur in those people who don’t have adequate fluid in the body. Hereditary factors can also be responsible for uric acid stones.
  2. Cystine Stones– These are comparatively rare, and they can occur both in women and men. It mainly occurs in those who suffer from a genetic disorder called cystinuria. Cystine stones naturally form in the body and make kidneys excrete more amino acids than normal. 
  3. Struvite Stones-These stones are made from the deposit of ammonium, phosphate, and magnesium. It can cause infections of the urinary tract, also known as UTIs. They are large and grow at a rapid speed. The infections cause bacteria to make ammonia which gets develops in the urine.
  4. Calcium Stones– Calcium Stones are common kidney stones. They are formed by the deposition of oxalate and calcium present in foods. Oxalate is a compound that is produced by the liver. Calcium stones can also develop as calcium phosphate.

Read More – Why do kidney stones happen again and again?

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      Size of Kidney Stones

      Kidney stones form when minerals in the body start to deposit in the urine. It is important to drink enough water to hydrate your body. Otherwise, the minerals get concentrated in high amounts. Later, these minerals form into kidney stones.

      The kidney stones have different sizes- they can be smaller than an inch or grow up 3-4 inches or further that can cover the kidney. However, smaller stones can occur in the kidney and may not have any symptoms.

      Proper medication and treatment remove kidney stones automatically through excretion without any surgery. In comparison, larger kidney stones are mostly painful and need medical surgery.

      Risk factors of Kidney stones

      The following risk factor can help you assess whether how have any chances to get a kidney stone in the future or not. Some of the risk factors are- 

      1. Not drinking enough water
      2. Obesity 
      3. Hereditary
      4. Improper diet 
      5. Excessive medical supplements
      6. Poor bowel movement


      These tips can help you prevent and reduce the effects and chances of kidney stones-

      1. Drink water at regular intervals and keep your body hydrated.
      2. Consume healthy food like green vegetables and fresh fruit juices
      3. Don’t consume alcohol 
      4. Do daily exercises
      5. Follow the medication which your doctor provides

      Kidney stones are curable if it is given proper attention on time. Consulting a urologist doctor and following the prescription will help you control the risk factors and take the necessary medication. These signs and symptoms will help you know about kidney stones and their effects.

      We at Sahyadri Hospital have expert and experienced Kidney Stone specialists in Pune. For any kind of expert advice or consultation concerning your Breast Cancer, you can always turn to our hospital for safe and effective treatment.

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