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Early Symptoms of Brain Tumor

It’s essential that you know about the early symptoms of brain tumours.

Knowing about them can be very helpful in early diagnosis and treatment.

So, without wasting any more time, let’s dive in immediately.

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What are the Early Symptoms of the Brain Tumor?

  • Raised Intracranial Pressure:

When a brain tumour develops in your skull, it increases the pressure inside it. This is known as Raised Intracranial pressure.

This happens because, unlike other parts like the abdomen, the skull is solid and cannot expand.

This raised pressure results in vomiting, headaches, decreased level of consciousness, and Diplopia (double vision).

This doesn’t mean having this tumour means you have a brain tumour.

These symptoms might be the result of some other conditions too. But if you have them, you have to stay aware of them.

  • Seizures (fit): 

In most cases, fit occurs primarily due to brain tumours.

So if any patient comes to us with a seizure complaint, we immediately perform all the necessary tests to rule out the brain tumour.

In short, seizures or fits is one of the most common symptoms of brain tumours.

  • Affecting Different Functions of the Brain: 

Each part of the human brain has been allocated different functions.

So when a tumour grows in a specific part of the brain, it impacts the tasks handled by that part.


If a tumour increases in the right side parietal area. The right part of the brain controls the left part of the body.

The increasing size of a brain tumour in the motor area decreases the function of the motor area. It depends on where the tumour is growing.

If the tumour is pressing on the optic nerves, it will affect your vision.

  • Change in the Level of Consciousness: 

Another primary symptom is the change in the level of consciousness.


The patient is sleeping late, and not taking an interest in the surrounding activities, they prefer staying in bed and feeling drowsy.

These signs indicate that the individual might have a brain tumour.

  • Psychiatric Symptoms: 

This is relatively rare but not as rare as you think.

An individual with a brain tumour in the brain’s frontal area has a changed personality.


The individual becomes less interested in the surroundings and doesn’t respond normally, avoiding planning routine activities and travelling.

If the individual has a tumour in the temporal lobe, he/she might behave absolutely opposite.

For e.g.,

Such an individual might become unreasonably talkative or start doing other activities that he/she dislikes.

These psychiatric symptoms can be early symptoms of a brain tumour.

So if you know someone expressing similar behaviour, you should get them evaluated immediately.

It’s possible that they might have a brain tumour.

  • Hormonal Changes: 

If a patient has a tumour in a pituitary gland, it can create a hormonal imbalance.

This is because the pituitary gland, also known as a master gland, controls your body’s other glands.

If a tumour affects its functioning, it impacts the overall hormonal function of your body. These changes can have a significant impact on normal body functions.


Pituitary tumours in a young girl can disturb her menstrual cycle or can result in infertility. The pituitary gland is located at the bottom of your brain, near the optic nerve.

So in elderly people, it can press against these nerves and impact their vision. In fact, pituitary tumours have a lot of other symptoms that we will discuss in another blog.

Also Read : 4 Major Advances of Brain Tumor Surgery


Finally, we would like to mention Colloid Cyst.

This is one of the most dangerous types of Cancers, in fact, it’s like a time bomb.

The human brain has fluid cavities connected to one another and filled with fluid. This fluid flows from one region to another and is absorbed into the bloodstream.

Now the Colloid Cyst forms at a critical juncture. If it grows, it obstructs the flow of this fluid; it raises the brain’s pressure. This causes dilation of the ventricles, resulting in instant death.

So if you are diagnosed with Colloid Cyst, you must not take up much time in observation.

The best alternative is to get in touch with an expert who can help you with this condition.

Wrapping Up

We hope this brief introduction about the symptoms of brain tumours has shed some light on this health condition.

It’s also very important to note that treating brain tumours is not as challenging as it was 20 years back.

With the technology advancements and research, we are well-equipped to help patients achieve the best results and recover faster.

We are adopting and utilizing the latest techniques to treat even highly complex tumours.

We have achieved an excellent success rate at Sahyadri Hospital for such procedures. This is the result of awareness about brain tumours and their early symptoms.

As we mentioned earlier, early diagnosis may be helpful in delivering good results after the treatment.

A brain tumor is a complex and often life-altering medical condition that can affect people of all ages. While the exact causes of brain tumors are not fully understood, there are many different factors that can increase a person’s risk of developing these tumors, including exposure to radiation, genetic factors, and environmental toxins. The symptoms of brain tumors can vary depending on the location and size of the tumor, but may include headaches, seizures, changes in vision or hearing, difficulty with coordination, and personality changes. Treatment options for brain tumors can also vary depending on the type and severity of the tumor, but may include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and other forms of medical intervention. Despite the challenges posed by brain tumors, many people are able to successfully manage their condition and continue living full and rewarding lives with the help of supportive medical care and a strong support network of family and friends.
So stay updated with the knowledge of brain tumours, get diagnosed early and receive the best treatments.

We are always here to assist if you need more information on a brain tumour.

Feel free to reach out to us; we will be happy to help.

About Author

Dr. Nasli R Ichaporia

Dr. Jaydev Panchawagh

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