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Gynecological Cancers: Causes and Preventive Measures

Cancer has become a common disease that includes the cancer of different body parts. In these diseases, cells grow uncontrollably and form a mass or tumor. Later, they multiply, spread and diffuse into adjacent tissues. Because of this, different cells encounter different patterns of genetic changes. These changes cause severe impairment to the immune system.

Nowadays, it has been noticed that females are more prone to cancer due to various reasons. Stress, eating unhealthy foods, inactiveness, and obesity are prevalent in young women.

Women with obesity are at high risk of developing breast, ovarian, and uterine cancers. These cancers are now prevalent in India.

Let’s know the causes of these cancers and how you can prevent them.

Causes of Cancer

There are no direct causes of cancers found to date. However, some risk factors can increase the chances of getting cancer. Some of these causes/risk factors include:

  • Obesity- It is a major cause of developing cancer in young women. A rise in obesity may lead to breast cancer, uterus cancer, and ovarian cancer in women.
  • Ionizing radiation–This radiation generates from Sunlight. It comprises UV rays, Uranium, and Radon. It also emits X-ray, alpha, gamma, and beta-releasing sources.
  • Exposure to toxic or chemical compounds–Compounds containing Cadmium, Nickel, Asbestos, Benzene–are known as Carcinogenic compounds. Cigarettes that contain Tobacco are another potential Carcinogenic compound.
  • Genetic-Research data often link Breast Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Skin Cancer, melanoma, prostate cancer, etc., to the mutations in the genes.

A person becomes more prone to getting cancer with all these risk factors. However, prevention is the best cancer treatment. If you are a woman, you should know cancer prevention tips to stay aware and informed.

Let’s now talk about how you can prevent cancer.

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How can I Prevent Cancer?

Most women are afraid of checkups as they fear getting diagnosed with something. However, it is crucial to understand that prevention is the best treatment essential for leading a better life. 

If you are a woman, remember the following tips to prevent cancer:

  1. After the age of 20, go for a Clinical Breast Examination every year. This exam can detect even the most minor tumors in the breast. At this age, tumor formation is common due to hormonal imbalance in the body. These tumors aren’t cancerous but getting checked can relieve the stress and keep you aware.
  2. Next, you can also do a Self-Breast Examination at home once a month after eight days from your menstruation. This test helps you find any abnormalities in the breast and consults a doctor immediately. You may take the help of a gynecologist to learn it or refer to Google to conduct this examination yourself.
  3. Women above the age of 40 must go for mammography once a year. It is a 5 minutes test and has a curable rate of 95%. It helps detect minor tumors that are often missed during other checkups.
  4. Last, Pap Smear Test is used to detect cervical cancer. It would be best to consider this test once every three years if you are married or above the age of 20.

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    Cancers of breast, uterine and ovarian are common in India. The best cancer treatment is prevention and timely diagnosis. You can follow the above prevention tips to stay safe as a woman.

    If you undergo tests and examinations, you stay a step ahead of cancer. This way, we can detect cancer early and beat it with the best treatment option. 

    If you wish to know more about cancer, its causes, or treatment, you can book an appointment with our experts.

    About Author


    Dr. Shona Nag

    Sr Medical Oncologist and Director Oncology Dept
    Contact: +91 88888 22222
    Email – ask@sahyadrihospitals.com

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