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How To Take Care Of My Kidneys?

Introduction To Kidney Health

Dr. Sachin Patil, a Consultant Nephrologist at Sahyadri Hospital, specialises in kidney health and treatment. He emphasises that Sahyadri Hospital offers comprehensive care for kidney-related issues such as dialysis, kidney transplant, kidney diseases, and kidney stones. In this discussion, he shares essential tips to maintain kidney health and avoid severe kidney complications.

Dr. Patil highlights the importance of adequate water intake for healthy kidney function, especially given the sedentary lifestyle associated with urban living. He advises adults to drink at least 10 to 12 glasses of water daily, translating to a minimum intake of 2 to 2.5 litres. This helps flush toxins from the kidneys and supports overall kidney health. He also emphasises that the water consumed should be clean and pure.

Hydration Is Key

Dr. Patil highlights the importance of adequate water intake for healthy kidney function, especially given the sedentary lifestyle associated with urban living. He advises adults to drink at least 10 to 12 glasses of water daily, translating to a minimum intake of 2 to 2.5 litres. This helps flush toxins from the kidneys and supports overall kidney health. He also emphasises that the water consumed should be clean and pure.

Limit Salt And Junk Food

One of the critical dietary recommendations for kidney care is to limit salt intake. Dr. Patil points out that excessive consumption of salt and junk foods can strain the kidneys and lead to health issues over time. He advises that daily salt intake should not exceed 2 to 3 grams, as excessive salt can increase the risk of high blood pressure and kidney stones.

By following these essential tips shared by Dr. Sachin Patil, individuals can make proactive changes to protect their kidneys and maintain long-term health.

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Dr. Vinod Gore

Dr. Sagar Lad

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