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Tips for the Babies Not Eating Properly

Most of the time it is seen that the baby is not eating properly and there are many reasons for it. He or she might be teething, tired, not yet ready for solids, or just don’t need as much food as you’re feeding them. Here are the few points which you must keep in mind:

Breastfeeding :

The world breastfeeding week is celebrated in the first week of August. Breastfeeding is very important for your newborn baby. Although, other complementary foods are also essential breastfeeding has several benefits.

So, make sure that you breastfeed your baby for the first 6 months after taking birth. This will help in the development of the brain and other organs of the baby.

Complementary feeding :

The time when you should start the complementary feeding to your baby is after 6 months of taking birth. These complementary foods include rice, pulses, and ragi.

There are also fruits which you should include like apples and bananas.
However, start giving water to your baby after 6 months, then slowly start giving pulses, rice, and ragi. Make sure to mix all these foods in water and they are in liquid form.

Diet of the new mothers :

Your diet is also an important factor for your baby’s health. However, you can eat your normal diet, this will not affect your baby’s health but make sure you eat clean and healthy.

It is usually seen that whatever healthy food you eat, after 6 months the baby will intake the complimentary food more easily.

Correct method and positions to feed your baby

However, there are certain ways to feed your newborn baby correctly. The ways are:

  • Make sure you feed your baby while keeping it in an upright position. If you feed you feed your baby while he or she is laying down, the food might get stuck in the throat. Also, don’t push the food into your baby’s mouth, pour it inside gently.
  • Avoid giving certain foods up to 1 year like, cow or buffalo milk, after 1 year you can add those foods. After 1 year whatever you’re eating, make sure your baby is eating half of your food. However, if you want to feed your baby with milk after 1 year of birth, make sure you mix the milk with chapatis, rice, or ragi.

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    Tips for feeding newborns and toddlers

    Here are few tips for feeding newborns and toddlers:

    •  Prepare a suitable environment – Make sure that you concentrate on your baby while feeding. Do not concentrate on any other activities like watching tv, talking on phones, etc. also, make sure to keep your baby in an environment suitable to him or her.
    • Make the baby food interesting – Make sure to prepare the baby food according to the likings and choices of your baby. If your baby likes eating liquid food, then feed only liquid food and don’t involve any solid substances.
    • Know your baby’s health – Make sure you observe your baby’s health, whether it is normal or abnormal. However, there are specific signs that your baby is healthy like:
      • If the activity of your baby is normal and good.
      • The urine discharge of your baby is proper.
      • Your baby is sleeping properly.

    Although, you should observe your baby whether he or she is suffering from any sickness or disease. If your baby is suffering from nose blockage, cough, cold, illness, loose motion, or vomiting, make sure you consult the doctor.

    A scientific way to track the growth of your baby

    There are specific growth charts for boys and girls. For a girl baby, it is pink and for a boy it is blue. In this chart, you will record your baby’s height every 6 months while consulting your pediatrician. If your baby is growing properly, then everything is normal.


    Above are discussed certain topics like direct breastfeeding, complementary feeding, normal and abnormal babies, corrective measures while feeding your baby, and growth monitoring. Make sure you follow these steps and consult your pediatrician for further advice.

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