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What Is A Heart Attack? | Warning Signs And Prevention Tips!

Heart attacks are a serious medical condition with potentially life-threatening consequences. Dr. Priya Palimkar, Interventional Cardiologist and Director of Cath Lab at Sahyadri Hospital, shares insights into the causes, risk factors, and prevention strategies for heart attacks.

What Causes A Heart Attack?

A heart attack typically occurs due to blocked blood flow to the heart, which prevents oxygen-rich blood from reaching the heart muscle. This blockage often results from risk factors that can be managed or modified.

Modifiable Risk Factors

Several risk factors for heart attacks are modifiable, meaning they can be controlled or prevented with lifestyle changes:

  1. Diabetes – Managing blood sugar levels can lower heart attack risk.
  2. High Blood Pressure – Keeping blood pressure in check reduces strain on the heart.
  3. High Cholesterol Levels – Lowering cholesterol can prevent plaque buildup in the arteries.
  4. Smoking – Quitting smoking significantly reduces the risk of heart disease.
  5. Obesity – Maintaining a healthy weight decreases heart attack risk.
  6. Lack of Exercise – Regular physical activity supports heart health.
  7. Elevated Homocysteine Levels – Monitoring and managing these levels helps reduce heart attack risk.

By managing these factors, individuals can lower their chances of developing a heart attack.

Non-Modifiable Risk Factors

Some risk factors cannot be changed, and these include:

  • Age – Heart attack risk increases with age.
  • Gender – Men have a higher risk, although post-menopausal women’s risk rises to match men’s due to hormonal changes.
  • Family History – Those with a family history of heart attacks may have a genetic predisposition, increasing their own risk.

Recognizing And Responding To Heart Attack Symptoms

Dr. Palimkar advises staying vigilant to any heart-related symptoms. If someone experiences chest pain, shortness of breath, or discomfort in nearby areas, it’s critical to consult a doctor for an ECG and, in emergencies, go straight to the hospital for prompt treatment.


Awareness and proactive management of risk factors can significantly reduce heart attack risk. Routine health check-ups can help detect any potential blockages early, allowing timely intervention.

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Dr. Vinod Gore

Dr. Parag Gulhane

SurgeonContact: +91 88888 22222
Email – ask@sahyadrihospitals.com

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