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What Tests are Done to Check for Cancer

Cancer is a word that nobody wants to hear, but early detection is vital to improving survival rates.

Medical tests offer a window into our body’s inner workings, helping healthcare professionals diagnose, assess, and monitor cancer. But what exactly are these tests? And why are they crucial?

Cancer Diagnosis: Laying Down the Basics

Before we begin treatment, we must ascertain the presence of cancer. Here’s a brief rundown of the primary tools doctors use:

  • Biopsy: The Gold Standard

The gold standard for cancer diagnosis, a biopsy involves removing a tiny sample of tissue to examine it for cancerous cells.


Depending on the suspected cancer’s location, there are various biopsy techniques, such as needle, skin, and bone marrow biopsies.

Once the sample is obtained, it’s sent to the lab where a pathologist examines it under a microscope. If cancer cells are present, the biopsy can also often determine the cancer’s type and grade.

Also Read: Can Biopsy Spread Cancer?

  • Imaging: The Inside View 

1. Sonography:

Also known as ultrasonography, it uses high-frequency sound waves to produce images of the inside of the body. It’s particularly useful for soft tissue imaging, like detecting tumors in the liver or ovaries.

2. Mammography:

A specific type of X-ray used primarily for breast cancer screening. By capturing images of breast tissue, it can identify tumors that are too small to be felt.

3. MRI:

Magnetic Resonance Imaging provides detailed images using magnetic fields and radio waves. This test is instrumental for brain, spinal cord, and musculoskeletal tumors.

  • Tumor Markers: The Blood’s Tale

Tumor markers are substances found at higher-than-normal levels in the blood, urine, or body tissues of some people with cancer. Although not definitive on their own, when combined with other tests, they offer valuable insights into the cancer’s presence, type, and progression.

Tracing the Footprints: Tests to Determine Cancer’s Spread

Cancer, much like an uninvited traveler, sometimes ventures beyond its starting point. To walk alongside our loved ones and offer them the best care, it’s deeply important for us to trace where it’s journeyed and set up roadblocks.

  • CT-Scan:


    Think of the Computed Tomography (or CT scan) as a compassionate detective. By weaving together X-ray images captured from myriad perspectives, it crafts a detailed picture, showcasing bones, blood vessels, and the soft whispers of our tissues.

    CT Scan

    This scan becomes a lantern in our journey, revealing not only the hiding spots of tumors but also narrating the stage of the story cancer is at.

  • PET-Scan:

    The Positron Emission Tomography, fondly known as the PET scan, is akin to a wise sage. Instead of just looking at our bodily structures, it feels and understands how our tissues and organs pulse with life. It offers insights, telling tales of whether the unwelcome traveler, cancer, has found new paths or if our combined efforts in treatment are sending it into retreat.

Prepping for the Battle: Tests Before Cancer Surgery

Before undergoing surgery, ensuring the patient’s overall health and readiness is vital.

Routine Blood Tests:

These provide a broad picture of your health, assessing vital components like red and white blood cells, platelets, and hemoglobin. They can indicate how other organs, such as your liver and kidneys, are functioning and whether they’ve been affected by cancer.

ECG and Chest X-Ray:

An Electrocardiogram (ECG) monitors heart activity, ensuring it’s safe for the patient to undergo surgery. A chest X-ray, on the other hand, provides images of the heart, lungs, airways, blood vessels, and lymph nodes – offering insights into overall health and potential complications.

Read Also: What is Chemotherapy for Cancer?

Constant Vigilance: Tests for Cancer Recurrence

Sadly, even after successful treatment, cancer can return. Regular monitoring is crucial.

Cancer Recurrence Tests:

These range from physical exams to detailed laboratory and imaging tests. The chosen test depends on the type of cancer, but the goal remains the same – early detection. Spotting cancer’s return at the earliest stage often means a better prognosis and more treatment options.

Wrapping Up

Cancer is a condition that can come as a shock to many. But its critical to undergo all  the necessary tests for better diagnosis. Remember, the correct diagnosis is vital for the accurate treatment of cancer.

And even if you are diagnosed with the cancer, our doctors and their team are always here to help you out. Your well-being is our utmost priority, and we stand by you every step of the way.

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