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Is Blood Cancer Curable?


Blood Cancer is one of the cancer diseases that attacks the white blood cells and plasma cells to destroy the other white or red blood. It often ends in chronic anaemia and also infects the whole body. Cancer affects the area of bone marrow, bones, spleen, and Lymph nodes. Not only those organs, but Blood Cancer also spreads the infection to other parts and destroys their functions.

But as the treatment of cancer was a huge success during those decades, Blood cancer is also Curable till a specific stage.

Blood Cancer Symptoms 

First Stage Of Blood Cancer Symptoms 

  • Fatigue: Feeling tired or weak without a clear cause.
  • Unexplained weight loss: Loss of weight without dieting or exercise.
  • Swollen lymph nodes: Swelling in the neck, armpits, or groin.
  • Frequent infections: Increased susceptibility to infections, often without recovery.
  • Fever: Unexplained fever, often low-grade.

Middle Stage Of  Blood Cancer Symptoms 

  • Bone pain: Pain or discomfort in the bones, particularly in the chest, back, or joints.
  • Easy bruising or bleeding: Frequent nosebleeds, gums bleeding, or bruising without injury.
  • Night sweats: Excessive sweating during sleep, often soaking through clothes.
  • Paleness: Skin may appear pale due to reduced red blood cells.
  • Enlarged spleen or liver: Abdominal discomfort or swelling, feeling full after eating small meals.

Last Stage Of Blood Cancer Symptoms 

  • Severe fatigue: Extreme tiredness, making it hard to perform daily tasks.
  • Shortness of breath: Difficulty breathing due to anemia or heart problems.
  • Rapid weight loss: Sudden and unintentional weight loss, which can be extreme.
  • Severe or persistent infections: Infections that don’t respond well to treatment or keep recurring.
  • Organ failure: Difficulty with organ function, such as kidney or liver failure, in severe cases.

If you notice any of these symptoms, it is essential to consult a doctor for an early diagnosis and treatment. Blood cancers are treatable if caught early, and early intervention can significantly improve outcomes.

Who Is Affected By Blood Cancer?

Generally, men suffer more from blood cancer than women. Some factors enhance the chances of Blood Cancer.

1. Smoking:

It can be a reason why men suffer more from blood tobacco, which increases about 50% of the chance of being a cancer patient. But scientists prove that it is also a reason for leukaemia, the most common blood cancer in the world. Generally, it attacks the lungs and mouth of the human body.

2. Radiation Exposure:

A scientist who works with ultraviolet reagents like uranium and thorium caught exposure to radiation of the atom. That directly goes through the body and provokes a cancerous cell.

Not only the scientists the mine workers of those agents, but the nurses, doctors, and medical help are also at risk of blood cancer. A huge atomic bomb blast can also be a reason for mass affection.

3. Exposure to Chemical Reagents:

People who work at various factories are exposed to Benzene, formaldehyde, factory smoke, etc. Benzene is the main element of Blood Cancer.

Some drugs that doctors use to cure Blood Cancer, especially the radiation of chemotherapy, increase the risk of spreading the cancerous cells.

4. Genetical reason:

About 70% of cancers happen because of genetic incompetence. Suppose your great-grandfather had blood cancer. Your grandfather and your father are fine. But still, you can be a cancerous patient as your chromosome carries the active cell of blood cancer.

5. Unhealthy diet:

Consuming too much oily or fast food can also be a reason for blood cancer.

Blood Cancer Stages

There are three types of blood cancer.

  • Leukaemia: This attacks the bone marrow with abnormal white cells and replaces the good ones.
  • Lymphoma: It affects the lymph nodes and also the spleen.
  • Myeloma: In this type, the cancerous cells infect the plasma cells.

There are primarily four stages in Blood Cancer. Doctors decide the stages based on metastasis. Scientists use different scales to measure the rate of metastasis.

Stage 1:

This is just the beginning stage. The lymph nodes start increasing due to the infections. The risk factors are very low and invisible in this stage.

Stage 2:

The liver and spleen also start enlarging in this stage. The growth of abnormal lymphocytes is very high in this stage.

Stage 3:

The affected organs begin to infect other body organs in this specific stage. The bone marrow and the bones are used as the first targets to get infected.

Stage 4:

This is the last stage of cancer. The platelets will not be working anymore. The red and white blood cell ratio has started to fall. And at last, the patient will be affected by acute anaemia.

Is Blood Cancer Curable?

Although medical science has through lengthy and successful, some cancers are still not completely curable. Blood Cancer is an example of that kind of Cancer.

No medicine can cure a blood cancer patient completely. Doctors can increase your lifespan by five to ten years. But they can’t give you a normal life.

Which Stage Of Blood Cancer Is Curable?

People examined in stage one and stage say live for five to twenty years with medicines and treatments. But according to the statistics, it will be at least 5 years. Without the treatment, it can be very vulnerable.

In stages three and four, the lifespan depends on which organ cancer is affected. People with bone and bone marrow infections hardly live for one year. But for the other organs, doctors can save him to some limits.

Treatment Options For Blood Cancer

There are few treatments that doctors use as a remedy for Blood Cancer.

1. Chemotherapy:

It uses anticancer drugs to kill cancerous cells. It is quite affordable but can’t remove the cells properly. It also contains a risk of spreading the infected cells.

2. Stem cell transplantation Therapy:

It uses fresh and healthy stem cells to replace the infected ones. It is also very costly but removes the cancerous cells efficiently. It is only possible in the first two stages.

3. Immunotherapy:

It raises the body’s immune system to fight cancerous cells. An example of this kind of therapy is CAR-T therapy.

4. Radiation therapy:

Radiation therapy kills cancer cells by using high radiation energy. It is an advanced therapy and costly, too. Doctors don’t use it in the normal process of treatment. If the cancer cells spread themselves in the brain or spinal fluid, the doctors suggest using it. It is also risky as doctors use it in delicate organs. Still, it is very important for patients in the last stage.

Blood cancer can be a nightmare. Sometimes, you will feel like death is better than that. But trust me, life is beautiful, and if you get even one day more of it, live like you always wanted to. And we are also here to help you whenever you want.




  1. How long can you live with blood cancer?
    You can live five years without treatment and five to twenty years with medicines and treatments while having blood cancer.
  2. What are the chances of surviving blood cancer?
    There is a 70% chance that you will live five years more while having blood cancer.
  3. Is blood cancer treatable?
    Many forms of blood cancer are treatable with therapies like chemotherapy, radiation, and stem cell transplants.
  4. What factors affect blood cancer prognosis?
    Factors include the type, stage, patient’s age, and overall health.
  5. Can early detection improve survival rates?
    Yes, early detection increases the likelihood of successful treatment.
  6. What are the common treatments for blood cancer?
    Treatments include chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, and bone marrow transplantation.
  7. What is the survival rate for blood cancer?
    It varies by type, but advancements in treatments have improved survival rates significantly.

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