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Patient Reviews

Always on time, compassionate, empathetic, easy to talk to and relates exceptionally well. Hands-down the most effective and efficient doctor Friendly, helpful staff as well.

Vijay Sanas

Very good staff mama & mavshi very helpful sisters & brothers is also giving her best, doctors consulting is very nice. Total hospital management is very good.

Vishnu Makar

Actually I am from Surat & had injuries in hand and hospitalised in Sahyadri very much happy with caring staff not even feel that I am 400 Km far from Surat Thanks Sahyadri team

Desai Hitendra Lalu

Treatment here is excellent. Deeply appreciate the doctor and all the staff's who took care of mine.highly appreciated. Thank you very much.

Kattie Fritsch

All service is very good... Staff behavior is very soft and polite. We are happy with all service. Thank you so much. Keep it up....

Meera Mali

I would definitely recommend this hospital to family and friends! It’s a beautiful environment, very nice and clean. The community needs this service.
Thank you for all you do!

Reilly Ruecker

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