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Surgical Options for Breast Cancer

Surgical Options for Breast Cancer

Home > Videos > Oncology > Surgical Options for Breast CancerSurgical Options for Breast Cancer | Dr. Bhushan BhalgatBreast cancer, a concern for many, comes with various treatment options. Surgical intervention is a key approach, and understanding these...

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Breast Self Exam: Purpose, How To & Steps |  Dr Shama Shaikh

Breast Self Exam: Purpose, How To & Steps | Dr Shama Shaikh

Home> Videos> Oncology > Breast Self Exam: Purpose, How To & StepsBreast Self Examination To Detect Breast Cancer EarlyBreast cancer is a significant health concern, but early detection can make a world of difference. That's where Breast Self-Examination...

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How to control Diabetes?

How to control Diabetes?

Home > Videos > Endocrinology > How to control Diabetes?  How to control Diabetes? Dr Shuchi SharmaMs PallaviIn recent years, India has been dubbed the 'Diabetes Capital of the World', a title that reflects the alarming rise in the number of people living...

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How To Manage Blood Sugar Levels?

How To Manage Blood Sugar Levels?

Home > Videos > Endocrinology > How To Manage Blood Sugar LevelsHow To Manage Blood Sugar Levels?Rising blood sugar levels are becoming quite common. So in a world where issue has become common, it’s very important to know how to manage blood sugar levels....

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Nerve Compression Syndromes: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Nerve Compression Syndromes: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Home > Videos > Orthopedic > हाँथ के नसों की बीमारी | Nerve compression syndrome | Dr Abhijeet Wahegaonkar Nerve Compression Syndromes: Causes, Symptoms and TreatmentDr Abhijeet Wahegaonkar | MBBS, D.(Ortho), DNB (Ortho), M.Ch (Ortho)Nerve Compression...

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What Are The Different Types of Robotic Knee Replacement?

What Are The Different Types of Robotic Knee Replacement?

Home > Videos > Orthopedic >What are the Different Types of Robotic Knee ReplacementWhat Are The Different Types of Robotic Knee Replacement?Robotic knee replacement has revolutionized the way we approach knee surgeries, offering precision and customization...

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What is Joint Replacement Surgery? – Dr. Chinmay Ghaisas

What is Joint Replacement Surgery? – Dr. Chinmay Ghaisas

Home > Videos > Orthopedic > Joint Replacement SurgeryJoint replacement surgeryWhat is Joint Replacement Surgery?In the vast world of orthopedic surgeries, joint replacement, particularly of the knee, can be a game-changer for many. The essence lies in its...

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What is the Prognosis of Cancer? – Dr. Bhushan Bhalgat

What is the Prognosis of Cancer? – Dr. Bhushan Bhalgat

Home > Videos > Oncology > What is the Prognosis of Cancer?  What is the Prognosis of Cancer?When Embarking on a medical journey often feels like stepping into uncharted territories. While the path may be unfamiliar, one tool can guide patients and their...

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What Tests are Done to Check for Cancer – Dr. Bhushan Bhalgat

What Tests are Done to Check for Cancer – Dr. Bhushan Bhalgat

Home> Videos> Oncology > What Tests are Done to Check for CancerWhat Tests are Done to Check for CancerCancer is a word that nobody wants to hear, but early detection is vital to improving survival rates. Medical tests offer a window into our body's inner...

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Fibroids and Food Choices: What’s Best for Your Health?

Fibroids and Food Choices: What’s Best for Your Health?

Home > Videos > Obstetrics & Gynaecology > Fibroids and Food Choices: What's Best for Your Health? Uterine Fibroids Dos & Don'ts: DietFibroids are non-cancerous growths that develop in or around the uterus, and while they might not always cause...

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Breast Cancer: Symptoms, Self-Examination and Treatment

Breast Cancer: Symptoms, Self-Examination and Treatment

Home> Videos> Oncology > Breast Cancer: Symptoms, Self-examination, and Treatment Breast Cancer: Symptoms, Self-examination, and TreatmentBreast cancer is one of the most talked-about and prevalent forms of cancer globally. With a surge in awareness campaigns...

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