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Beating Kidney Stones Again and Again: How to Stop the Cycle?

Beating Kidney Stones Again and Again: How to Stop the Cycle?

Home > Blogs > Urology and Nephrology > Beating Kidney Stones Again and Again: How to Stop the Cycle?Beating Kidney Stones Again and Again: How to Stop the Cycle?In recent years, there's been a growing concern about the incidence of kidney stones among the...

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Can Biopsy Spread Cancer?

Can Biopsy Spread Cancer?

Home> Videos> Oncology > Can Biopsy Spread CancerDebunking Myths: Can Biopsy Spread Cancer? | Expert InsightsBiopsies stand as a cornerstone in the medical world, especially when it comes to diagnosing ominous conditions like cancer. But like many medical...

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Your Breast Health Journey: A Comprehensive Guide to Wellness

Your Breast Health Journey: A Comprehensive Guide to Wellness

Home> Videos> Oncology > Benign Breast Disease Understanding Breast Diseases : A Comprehensive OverviewBreast health is a top priority for women throughout their lives. Early detection and understanding of various breast-related issues not only instill...

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What is Rhinoplasty? (Nose Reshaping Surgery)

What is Rhinoplasty? (Nose Reshaping Surgery)

Home > videos > Plastic Surgery > What is Rhinoplasty? (Nose Reshaping Surgery)What is Rhinoplasty? (Nose Reshaping Surgery)Our noses play an essential role in our facial symmetry and overall appearance. However, for many individuals, the nose might not be a...

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Conjunctivitis in Children : Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Conjunctivitis in Children : Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Home > Videos > Paediatrics > Conjunctivitis in ChildrenConjunctivitis in Children : Causes, Symptoms, and TreatmentConjunctivitis, colloquially known as "pink eye" or "eye flu," is a common eye condition, especially in children. It's essential for parents...

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When Should Sugar Patients Stop Taking Insulin?

When Should Sugar Patients Stop Taking Insulin?

Home > Videos > Endocrinology > When Should Sugar Patients Stop Taking Insulin?When Should Sugar Patients Stop Taking Insulin?As a leading center for diabetes, we frequently encounter patients who wonder when their insulin injections will stop. In this blog,...

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Will Kidney Stone Surgery Affect on Sexual Health?

Will Kidney Stone Surgery Affect on Sexual Health?

Home > Videos > Urology & Nephrology > Will Kidney Stone Surgery Affect on Sexual Health?Will Kidney Stone Surgery Affect Sexual Health?When it comes to the complex maze of our bodies, everything seems interconnected. But does everything truly affect...

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The Main Symptoms of Kidney Cancer

The Main Symptoms of Kidney Cancer

Home > Videos > Oncology > Primary Symptoms of Kidney CancerPrimary Symptoms of Kidney CancerKidney cancer, also known as renal cancer, is a serious disease that begins in the kidneys, two bean-shaped organs that help in clearing waste from the body. The...

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Understanding Laser Stone Surgery | Debunking Myths

Understanding Laser Stone Surgery | Debunking Myths

Home > Videos > Urology & Nephrology > Understanding Laser Stone Surgery & It's MythsUnderstanding Laser Stone Surgery & It's MythsOne of the common health conditions people suffer from is kidney stones. For a long time, surgery was the primary...

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Heart Attack : Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

Heart Attack : Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

Home > Videos > Oncology > Primary Symptoms of Kidney CancerPrimary Symptoms of Kidney CancerKidney cancer, also known as renal cancer, is a serious disease that begins in the kidneys, two bean-shaped organs that help in clearing waste from the body. The...

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Angiography Procedure: Step by Step Guide

Angiography Procedure: Step by Step Guide

Home > Videos > Orthopedic > Investigation and Treatment of Shoulder DislocationInvestigation & Treatment of Shoulder DislocationA shoulder dislocation occurs when the upper arm bone, or the humerus, dislodges from the socket of the shoulder blade, known...

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Do’s and Don’ts of Posture During Pregnancy

Do’s and Don’ts of Posture During Pregnancy

Home > Videos > Obstetrics & Gynaecology > Do's and Don'ts of Posture During Pregnancy  Do's and Don'ts of Posture During PregnancyWelcome, expecting mothers! Pregnancy is an extraordinary journey filled with excitement, anticipation, and a whole lot of...

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Investigation and Treatment of Shoulder Dislocation

Investigation and Treatment of Shoulder Dislocation

Home > Videos > Orthopedic > Investigation and Treatment of Shoulder DislocationInvestigation & Treatment of Shoulder DislocationA shoulder dislocation occurs when the upper arm bone, or the humerus, dislodges from the socket of the shoulder blade, known...

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