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Short Stature: Causes, Tests and Treatments

Short Stature: Causes, Tests and Treatments

Home > Videos > Endocrinology > Short Stature: Causes, Tests and TreatmentsShort Stature: Causes, Tests and TreatmentsBeing short in stature can be a source of insecurity and social discomfort for many individuals, especially during childhood and adolescence....

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Cancer क्यों होता है? | Dr Vinod Gore

Cancer क्यों होता है? | Dr Vinod Gore

Home > Videos > Oncology > What Causes Cancer? Dr. Vinod GoreWhat Causes Cancer? Dr. Vinod GoreCancer is a devastating disease that affects millions of people worldwide every year. Despite significant progress in cancer research and treatment, it remains one...

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Prostate Cancer Awareness | Dr. Tushar Patil

Prostate Cancer Awareness | Dr. Tushar Patil

Home > Videos > Oncology > Prostate Cancer Awareness | Dr Tushar PatilProstate Cancer Awareness | Dr Tushar PatilIn this blog, we'll discuss everything about prostate cancer, from early symptoms, diagnosis, to treatments. Everything. You can read further OR...

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Exercises to do After Breast Cancer Surgery

Exercises to do After Breast Cancer Surgery

Home > Blogs > Neurology > Exercises to do After Breast Cancer Surgery Exercises to do After Breast Cancer Surgery Dr. Nasli R Ichaporia | MD (Med), DM (Neurology)Even after breast cancer surgery, you or your loved ones might face some problems. But what if...

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Warning Signs of Brain Stroke

Warning Signs of Brain Stroke

Home > Videos > Neurology > Understanding Warning Signs of Brain Stroke Understanding Warning Signs of Brain Stroke Dr. Nasli R Ichaporia | MD (Med), DM (Neurology)Even if you know the term brain stroke, just knowing that isn't enough. Recognizing early...

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जठर का कैंसर | Stomach Cancer Awareness

जठर का कैंसर | Stomach Cancer Awareness

Home > Videos > Gastroenterology > Awareness of Stomach CancerAwareness of Stomach Cancer Most of the symptoms of Stomach Cancer are similar to the symptoms of Acidity, Mild abdominal pain or Gastritis. So the patients ignore these early signs, resulting in a...

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Unwanted Hair on Face | PCOS

Unwanted Hair on Face | PCOS

Home > Videos > Endocrinology > Unwanted Hair on Face | Causes & TreatmentsUnwanted Hair on Face | Causes & Treatments Being one of the leading Endocrinologists, we often encounter patients with unwanted facial hair. Most of them have this common...

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All you need to know about Breast Cancer

All you need to know about Breast Cancer

Home > Videos > Oncology > All You Need to Know About Breast Cancer  All You Need to Know About Breast CancerEven if you have heard about breast cancer, at least knowing its symptoms is very important. Because early detection plays a very big role in...

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What Causes Lower Back Pain?

What Causes Lower Back Pain?

Home > Videos > Neurosurgery > What Causes Lower Back Pain?What Causes Lower Back Pain? Dr. Jaydev Panchawagh | MS (General Surgery), MCh(Neurosurgery)People often ignore the signs of back pain. As time goes by, some people are not able to more or walk. For...

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Sciatica | Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Sciatica | Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Home > Blogs > Neurology > Symptoms, Causes & Treatment of Sciatica Symptoms, Causes & Treatment of SciaticaDr. Nasli R Ichaporia | MD (Med), DM (Neurology)Even if you think this is a normal back pain There are numerous health conditions associated...

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Early Symptoms of the Brain Tumor

Early Symptoms of the Brain Tumor

Home > Videos > Neurosurgery > Early Symptoms of Brain TumorEarly Symptoms of Brain Tumor Dr. Jaydev Panchawagh | MS (General Surgery), MCh(Neurosurgery)It’s essential that you know about the early symptoms of brain tumours. Knowing about them can be very...

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Reason Behind the Zero Sperm Count | Sahyadri Hospital

Reason Behind the Zero Sperm Count | Sahyadri Hospital

Home > Videos > IVF > What is the reason behind Zero Sperm count (Azoospermia)What is the reason behind Zero Sperm count (Azoospermia)?Almost 10% of men deal with some form of infertility. There are multiple reasons for infertility, and Zero Sperm count is...

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Why Follicular Monitoring Test is Done?

Why Follicular Monitoring Test is Done?

Home > Videos > IVF > Why Follicular Monitoring Test is Done?  Why Follicular Monitoring Test is Done? If you are wondering what Follicular Monitoring is, you have landed on the right page! Let’s understand this test in more detail. You can read it...

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