In this blog, we’ll discuss everything about prostate cancer, from early symptoms, diagnosis, to treatments. Everything.
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The Prostate is a male organ that’s located around the urinary bladder.
It manages and propagates multiple chemicals and is a vital male organ.
The prostate gland is divided into 2 to 3 zones.
When the number of cells increases in the middle lobe of the prostate gland, a condition called BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) is formed.
This obstructs the urinary flow of the patient. But this is a non-cancerous condition.
But when the number of cells in the peripheral lobe increases, Prostate Cancer is possible.
Prostate Cancer does not occur overnight. There are numerous precancerous stages that will gradually lead to Cancer over a period of a few years.
The most affected age group by Prostate Cancer is 60 to 65 years of individuals.
The patients aged 50 to 55 years form less than 10% of the total Prostate Cancer patients.
What are the Symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer?
There are numerous early signs and symptoms of Prostate Cancer that can be easily identified.
But it’s worth noting that the early symptoms of Prostate Cancer are similar to the benign Prostate.
The common issues include:
- Obstruction in the urinary flow
- The frequent urge to urinate (especially at night)
- An incomplete sensation of evacuation
- Blood in the urine ( not observed in all the patients)
- Dull pain in the lower pelvic area
- Pain or burning sensation during the urination
- Painful ejaculation
- Loss of Appetite
- Loss of weight
- Bone pain
- Pain in the lower back
Note: At Sahyadri Hospital, we have observed that up to 30% of the Prostate Cancer patients that come to us report bone pain as a primary symptom. They attribute urinary issues to their age and often neglect it.
So we strongly suggest you do not ignore these symptoms.
If you wait too long and ignore these symptoms, the Cancer might spread into other organs, making it difficult to treat.
Related Read : Does Ayurveda and Homeopathy Work on Cancer
Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer
Diagnosing Prostate Cancer is comparatively easy. Here are the tests to diagnose Prostate Cancer.
- PSA Blood Test:
This is the easiest way to diagnose Prostate Cancer. Every individual above 45 years should get this test.
If the PSA is in the rising trend in the tests, then there is an increased possibility of Prostate Cancer. Such patients will need rigorous follow-ups.
- DRE test:
Every individual above the age of 45 must consult their urologist once a year for the DRE (Digital Rectal Examination) test to identify any changes in the Prostate gland.
If that gland becomes hard, the urologist might recommend further tests.
- Prostate Biopsy:
At Sahyadri Hospital, we perform Prostate Biopsy if we suspect that the patient might have Prostate Cancer.
During this procedure, we perform Trans-rectal Ultrasound Biopsy, also known as a Trus-guided Biopsy, to confirm the Prostate Cancer diagnosis.
- Other tests:
Once we confirm that the patient has Prostate Cancer, we perform some other tests like Prostate MRI and PSMA PET Scan.
These tests help us identify the stage of Prostate Cancer.
Prostate Cancer Treatment Options
There are multiple Prostate Cancer treatment options available to patients.
But before charting the Prostate Cancer treatment plan, we use a special algorithm.
We input multiple variables like the Prostate’s size, the results of the tests and all the scans and PSA values for the Risk-stratification.
Based on this Risk-stratification, we develop a customized treatment plan for the patient.
Surgery can be a good treatment option if Prostate Cancer is in the early stage.
Radical Radiotherapy:
This procedure can be very helpful if the Cancer has not spread to other organs.
Under this procedure, we provide radiation to the prostate gland and destroy the tumour.
Androgen Deprivation Therapy:
Testosterone, a male hormone, is responsible for the growth of Prostate Cancer.
With ADT treatment, we block the testosterone hormone to prevent the growth of the tumour.
We use two methods for ADT treatment:
- Medical Treatment:
Here, we give certain injections to the patients on a monthly or quarterly basis. These medications can help block the testosterone hormone. - Surgical Treatment:
Under this procedure, we remove the testes that produce testosterone hormones (Orchidectomy). This procedure results in the permanent blockage of testosterone.
Medical and Surgical ADT both are effective and equivalent and deliver similar results. It’s a personal choice of the patient.
Those who do not want surgery can opt for Medical ADT, and those who want a permanent solution can choose Surgical ADT.
ADT, or Androgen Deprivation Therapy, is an integral part of any treatment regime for Prostate Cancer.
Almost 30-40% of Prostate Cancer patients are diagnosed at the advanced stage.
In these cases, the Cancer has already spread to the bones, liver and sometimes to the lungs. Here too, we offer ADT as a treatment option.
In some cases, Prostate Cancer has already spread to some critical organs. Here, surgeries are not effective. So we give Chemotherapy treatments.
In Chemotherapy, we have options for injectable Chemotherapy and targeted or oral Chemotherapy, which are equally effective.
Targeted Therapy and Immunotherapy:
Like other cancers, these advanced treatment options are also changing the treatment modalities for Prostate Cancer.
Prevention of Prostate Cancer
The best way to prevent Prostate Cancer is a yearly PSA test after the age of 45 years, along with a regular checkup by a urologist (DRE).
Apart from this, say no to the addictions like Tobacco, Smoking and Alcohol, as they are also responsible for Prostate Cancer at some level.
Wrapping Up
Today, the advancement in treatment has ensured that the survival period for a patient with Prostate Cancer of stage 4 is around 4 to 5 years.
Five years ago, this period was 2 to 3 years, and now it’s 4 to 5 years. Soon, we will be able to extend a patient’s life by up to 10 years using various treatment modalities.
But till then, regular checkups and keeping an eye on early signs is the best option.
Meanwhile, if you need any support, assistance or information related to Prostate Cancer, feel free to reach out. Our experts will be more than happy to assist.
About Author

Dr. Tushar Patil
Contact: +91 88888 22222
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