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Can Diabetes be Cured?

Can Diabetes be Cured?

Home > Videos > Endocrinology > Exposing the Truth about the Cure of Diabetes Exposing the Truth about the Cure of Diabetes Today, we will discuss is there  a cure for diabetes & will delve into understanding the nature of diabetes, the factors...

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Which Fruits Diabetes Patients Can Consume?

Which Fruits Diabetes Patients Can Consume?

Home > Videos > Endocrinology > Which Fruits Diabetes Patients Can Consume? Which Fruits Diabetes Patients Can Consume?Managing diabetes can be challenging, particularly when it comes to choosing the right foods for a balanced diet. One question we often...

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Prostate Cancer : All Treatment Options

Prostate Cancer : All Treatment Options

Home > Blogs > Oncology > Prostate Cancer : All Treatment OptionsProstate Cancer : All Treatment OptionsDr. Sanjay Hunugundmath | MBBS,DNB, Fellowship in Stereotactic RadiosurgeryIn our previous blog, we discussed the causes and symptoms of prostate cancer....

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Understanding Knee Pain, Prevention, and Treatment

Understanding Knee Pain, Prevention, and Treatment

Home > Videos > Physiotherapy > Understanding Knee Pain, Prevention, and Treatment Understanding Knee Pain, Prevention, and Treatment Knee pain is becoming increasingly common among people of all age groups - young, old, and middle-aged. In this blog, we will...

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Does Every Cancer Need Surgery?

Does Every Cancer Need Surgery?

Home > Videos > Oncology > Does Every Cancer Require Surgery?Does Every Cancer Require Surgery?A common question among patients and their families is whether all cancer cases require surgery. The answer to this question depends on various factors, such as the...

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Can Cancer be Hereditary?

Can Cancer be Hereditary?

Home > Videos > Oncology > Can Cancer be Hereditary? Can Cancer be Hereditary?Many patients often wonder whether cancer can be hereditary. This is an important question as understanding the hereditary risks associated with cancer can help individuals make...

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Throat Cancer: Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

Throat Cancer: Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

Home > Videos > Oncology > Throat Cancer : Causes, Symptoms & Treatments Throat Cancer : Causes, Symptoms & TreatmentsThroat cancer is a form of cancer that is more prevalent among men as compared to women. It can severely impact the life of the...

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Ovarian Cancer: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Ovarian Cancer: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Home > Videos > Oncology > Ovarian Cancer : Causes, Symptoms and Treatments  Ovarian Cancer : Causes, Symptoms and TreatmentsOvarian Cancer is found in women above the age of 60 in western countries. But in India, the average age of the patients is...

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What to Do When You Test Positive for Pregnancy?

What to Do When You Test Positive for Pregnancy?

Home > Videos > Obstetrics & Gynaecology > What you should Do, When You Test Positive for Pregnancy? What You Should Do, When You Test Positive for Pregnancy?Pregnancy is one of the most important events in a woman's life. But at the same time, it comes...

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Importance Of PET Scan In Cancer Diagnosis

Importance Of PET Scan In Cancer Diagnosis

Home > Videos > Oncology > Importance of PET scan in CancerImportance of PET scan in Cancer PET scan has become one of the most widely utilised methods to diagnose almost all types of Cancer. But what is a PET scan, how does it work, and what are its...

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Dengue in Children: Causes, Symptoms and treatments

Dengue in Children: Causes, Symptoms and treatments

Home > Videos > Paediatrics > Know Causes, Symptoms, Treatments & Prevention of Dengue in ChildrenKnow Causes, Symptoms, Treatments & Prevention of Dengue in ChildrenDengue is one of India's most common yet dangerous health conditions. It's especially...

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Gastro issues in Pregnancy

Gastro issues in Pregnancy

Home > Videos > Obstetrics & Gynaecology > Gastro Issues During Pregnancy Gastro Issues During Pregnancy Pregnancy is one of the most important phases of life for a woman and her family. During this phase, a mother experiences a lot of physiological and...

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Can Viruses Lead to Cancer?

Can Viruses Lead to Cancer?

Home > Videos > Oncology > Can Viruses Lead You to Cancer?    Can Viruses Lead You to Cancer?Cancer is a serious health condition that impacts a lot of patients in the world. With the rising cases of Cancer, it's important to have a good idea about...

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