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How Long Before Brain Tumor Symptoms Show?

How Long Before Brain Tumor Symptoms Show?

Home > Videos > Neurosurgery > How Long Before Brain Tumor Symptoms ShowHow Long Before Brain Tumor Symptoms Show?Dr. Jaydev Panchawagh | MS (General Surgery), MCh(Neurosurgery)Brain Tumor - This word itself is frightening when you hear that someone has a...

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What is Parkinson Disease? (Hindi)

What is Parkinson Disease? (Hindi)

Home > Videos > Neurology > What is Parkinson DiseaseWhat is Parkinson Disease? (Hindi)Dr. Nasli R Ichaporia | MD (Med), DM (Neurology)पार्किसन रोग काफी सारे लोगों के लिए नया नाम हो सकता है, जिसके कारण वे इसके लक्षणों की पहचान नहीं कर पाते हैं। आज इस वीडियो...

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What is Alzheimer’s Disease? (Hindi)

What is Alzheimer’s Disease? (Hindi)

Home > Videos > Neurology > What is Alzheimer's DiseaseWhat is Alzheimer's Disease? (Hindi)Dr. Nasli R Ichaporia | MD (Med), DM (Neurology)वरिष्ठ लोगों में के मन में अल्जाइमर के बारेमें काफी डर है क्योकि इसमें उसकी याददाश चली जाती है और उनको रोज का काम करने...

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What are Spondylosis and its Causes?

What are Spondylosis and its Causes?

Home > Videos > Neurosurgery > What are Spondylosis and its CausesWhat are Spondylosis and its Causes?Dr. Jaydev Panchawagh | MS (General Surgery), MCh(Neurosurgery)As much as we try to fight the signs and symptoms of aging, some foes are greater than others....

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Neuro Rehabilitation क्या होता है?

Neuro Rehabilitation क्या होता है?

Home > Videos >  Neurology > Neuro Rehabilitation क्या होता हैNeuro Rehabilitation क्या होता है?Dr. Rohini Dange | Physiotherapistयह प्रक्रिया से क्षतिग्रस्त या बेजान हुए अंगो को सक्रिय कराया जाता है | यह प्रक्रिया को restorative neurology या physical...

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Debunking 5 Myths about Brain Tumors

Debunking 5 Myths about Brain Tumors

Home > Videos > Neurosurgery > Debunking 5 Myths about Brain TumorsDebunking 5 Myths about Brain TumorsDr. Sachin Mahajan | Spinal and Neurological SurgeonThere are a lot of people that believe in various brain tumor myths. The most common brain tumor myths...

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Everything You Need to Know About Stroke

Everything You Need to Know About Stroke

Home > Videos > Neurology > Everything You Need to Know About StrokeEverything You Need to Know About StrokeDr. Nasli R Ichaporia | MD (Med), DM (Neurology)What is stroke (Brain Attack)?Stroke is one of the most commonly used words by people but in the...

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4 Major Advancements in Brain Surgery

4 Major Advancements in Brain Surgery

Home > Videos > Neurosurgery > 4 Major Advances in Brain Surgery4 Major Advances in Brain SurgeryDr. Jaydev Panchawagh | MS (General Surgery), MCh(Neurosurgery)1. Improvements In Neurosurgical Microscopes : These microscopes give amazing illumination to the...

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Everything You Need to Know About Trigeminal Neuralgia

Everything You Need to Know About Trigeminal Neuralgia

Home > Videos > Neurosurgery > Everything You Need to Know About Trigeminal NeuralgiaEverything You Need to Know About Trigeminal NeuralgiaDr. Jaydev Panchawagh | MS (General Surgery), MCh(Neurosurgery)Table of Contents Trigeminal Neuralgia | Diagnosis |...

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What Cause Lower Back Pain? (Lumbar Spondylosis)

What Cause Lower Back Pain? (Lumbar Spondylosis)

Home > Videos > Neurosurgery > What Cause Lower Back Pain? (Lumbar Spondylosis)What Cause Lower Back Pain? (Lumbar Spondylosis)Dr. Jaydev Panchawagh | MS (General Surgery), MCh(Neurosurgery)Lumbar spondylosis Causes The Spinal Problem caused due to...

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What Causes Hemifacial Spasm? (Facial Twitching)

What Causes Hemifacial Spasm? (Facial Twitching)

Home > Videos > Neurosurgery > What Causes Hemifacial Spasm? (Facial Twitching)What Causes Hemifacial Spasm? (Facial Twitching)Dr. Jaydev Panchawagh | MS (General Surgery), MCh(Neurosurgery)Have you ever experienced facial twitching, involuntary blinking, or...

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