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5 Main Symptoms of Delivery: When to Reach a Hospital?

As gynecologists, we give an EDD to all pregnant women. EDD, which stands for Expected Date of Delivery, is counted from the first day of your last period until nine months and seven days.

Most pregnancies last around 40 weeks. However, some babies deliver before the 37th week and some after it. A pregnant woman can experience symptoms of delivery or labor pain at any time at the end of pregnancy.

This blog covers five main delivery symptoms that actually indicate your baby’s arrival.

What is Full-term and preterm delivery?

Delivery of your baby is officially full term if it is delivered between 37th to the 40th pregnancy week. If the delivery happens in the 7th or 8th month, it is known as preterm delivery.

Moreover, the symptoms of delivery can start at any point. It becomes crucial to know real delivery signs to reach a Maternity hospital at the right time. 

Let’s learn about these symptoms in detail.

Symptoms of delivery

Although every woman is different, you may notice some of these symptoms of delivery from a few days before:

1. Lightening –

Your baby drops lower into your pelvis in the weeks, days, or hours before the delivery. Usually, this occurs when you’re giving birth to a child for the first time. After lightening, the size of your stomach decreases, and it indicates that delivery can happen in the coming week or two.

2. Blood show –

You might notice a thick, pinkish, or blood-streaked discharge called a bloody show. However, this is the cervical mucus plug that seals your cervix during the pregnancy. It often opens several days before the delivery, although it is not noticeable every time.

3. Labor pains –

The uterus is a muscular organ that contracts powerfully to squeeze out your baby. These contractions are the main reasons for labor pain. However, the muscle tightening in your abdomen and pelvic area creates pressure on your back, perineum, bladder, and bowels.

There are two types of labor pain:

  • True labor pain–

If you’re experiencing true labor pain, your contractions will last about 30 to 70 seconds and come about 5 to 10 minutes apart. They get stronger and closer over time, and you will feel pain in your belly and lower back. Besides, they’re so intense that you cannot walk or talk.

  • False labor pain–

These are also known as Braxton Hicks contractions. These irregular uterine contractions are normal and start occurring from your fourth month of pregnancy. These are ways of your body getting ready for the ‘true labor pain’. 

4. Leaking –

The fetus in the womb is surrounded by a fluid known as Amniotic fluid. It has many functions which relate to the development of the fetus. However, if the amniotic fluid starts leaking, you might feel a gush of warm fluid or a slow trickle from the vagina. It is usually clear and odorless, but sometimes it may contain traces of blood or mucus. If this happens, make sure to immediately visit the hospital as this may infect you and your baby.

5. Decreased fetal movements –

A significant reduction or sudden decrease in your baby’s fetal movement is a significant clinical symptom. If you notice the baby hasn’t moved today as compared to other days, consult an obstetrician and gynecologist expert immediately. 


Sometimes when the delivery date is near, a pregnant woman gets confused about the right time for delivery. False labor pain often confuses the couple, and they rush to the hospital.

If you understand all the above delivery symptoms, it is sure that you will rush to the hospital at the right time. 

If you wish to know more about delivery or delivery symptoms, book an appointment with our experts.

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