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Home > All About Possibility

All About Possibility

When a patient comes to a hospital, his single motivation is hope. Hope of being treated, getting cured and walking back home to his loved ones, healthy and happy.

At Sahyadri, our single motivation is the same hope, which we transform into possibilities. Over the years, we’ve put all cornerstones of expertise and technology to ensure that we leave no stone unturned… after all, every possibility has a life attached to it.

It’s this philosophy that has enabled us to not just accept rare cases, and also treat them successfully. Many firsts in the city and many firsts in the country are a testimony to this.

Here’s how we translate our heartfelt care into infinite possibilities

Quaternary healthcare across all specialities

The level above tertiary care is quaternary care. And we are proud to be quaternary healthcare specialists across all specialities – be it organ transplants, paediatric surgeries, neurosciences or cancer treatment.

Western India’s largest chain of hospitals, most premium too

With 7 centers in Pune and 9 centers across Maharashtra, we are not just easily accessible but we also offer a matchless premium healthcare experience.

Round-the-clock multi-disciplinary team

More often than not, an ailment in one part of the body starts affecting the others. That is why, at Sahyadri we have a multi-disciplinary team, which is available round the clock, unlike other hospitals in the city.

Most experienced teams with most advanced technologies

Having the most advanced technologies is not sufficient, you need experts to utilize it wisely and understand how you can make the most of it to diagnose and treat. We have both.

Media Section

The Stories of Many Possiblities


Another unique case of a 34-yesr old engineer, who had multiple episodes of giddiness and mild abdominal pain. Also he was having breathlessness after climbing 5-10 steps of staircase.

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A 56-year old man from Baramati was admitted at SSH Deccan in Nov 17 in coma with Liver and Kidney damage. He was diagnosed with liver disease 2.5 years back and had previously experienced repeated infections, bleeding and episodes of coma. This required frequent hospitalizations costing around 2-3 lakhs per month.

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Wilson’s Disease

A 56-year old man from Baramati was admitted at SSH Deccan in Nov 17 in coma with Liver and Kidney damage. He was diagnosed with liver disease 2.5 years back and had previously experienced repeated infections, bleeding and episodes of coma. This required frequent hospitalizations costing around 2-3 lakhs per month.

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