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Doctor’s Guidance Can Save Life

Doctor’s guidance can save life

Every new day comes with a new set of challenges. While health is one of the most essential parts of our lifestyle, the community of doctors is regarded as our faithful companions to lead a better life. Recently, when I heard about the cases of attacks on doctors, social media was flooded with opinions and messages regarding their experiences with doctors. I wanted to write this article and share my experience in light of this incident.

The incident occurred when a family member was suffering from multiple disorders and ailments and had to be hospitalised. Suffering from a high fever due to underlying valvular heart problems and infection of the valves of the heart (Infective Endocarditis), my brother-in-law required immediate medical attention. He was admitted to Sahyadri Hospital on Karve Road.

He underwent surgery and recovered within a month. However, this was only possible with the guidance of the doctors at Sahyadri Hospitals.

My uncle required various medicines, blood transfusions, and medicines to maintain his blood pressure for the infection, and the heavy antibiotics which were prescribed for the heart affected his kidneys. The need of the hour was appropriate guidance, and we could control further damage only under Dr. Rashida Melinkeri, Physician & Cholesterol Specialist at Sahyadri Hospitals. Dr Melinkeri not only treated my brother-in-law but gave us new hope.

We were delighted with the treatment given at Sahyadri Hospitals. Due to our financial constraints, we shifted to Sassoon General Hospital; we were in constant touch with our doctors, who supported our decision. He required ventilator support and dialysis and underwent valve replacement surgery by Dr Nityanand Thakur. To worsen the situation, he even developed pneumonia while on the ventilator. However, we continued to seek advice and received constant support from Dr. Melinkeri. She never declined to help us at any time of the day.

It is straightforward for us to blame doctors for their negligence and misbehaving with them, but we have seen doctors put their immense efforts into curing patients and bringing them back from their deathbeds. Many times, patients visit hospitals in critical conditions and experienced doctors perform miracles quite often. They do try their best to help patients, even in critical situations.

As responsible citizens, we should all respect and cooperate with their work. Lifesaving is their first and only priority, but things sometimes go beyond their control, for which they should not be blamed or assaulted. I am grateful to Sahyadri and Sassoon Hospital doctors for standing with us and guiding us through our difficult times.


  1. Why is doctor guidance crucial for timely diagnosis?
    Doctor guidance ensures that symptoms are accurately interpreted and the appropriate diagnostic tests are ordered, which can lead to early detection and treatment.
  2. How can a doctor’s advice prevent health complications?
    By following medical advice, patients can manage or mitigate health issues, avoiding severe complications and enhancing recovery.
  3. When should I consult a doctor for health symptoms?
    Consult a doctor if you experience unexplained or persistent symptoms or are at risk for certain conditions due to your family history or lifestyle.
  4. Can self-diagnosis be harmful?
    Yes, self-diagnosis often leads to incorrect assumptions and may delay effective treatment.
  5. What are the benefits of preventive consultations with a doctor?
    Preventive consultations help identify risk factors and promote a proactive approach to health, which can save lives.

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    Dr. Pradeep Suryawanshi

    Dr. Vaishali Dandagi

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