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Expecting Natural Birth? Know How..

Dr. Jaitty Shet


Firstly, let us understand what is natural birth. Natural birth is vaginal birth without medical intervention or pain relieving medications. Mothers who choose natural birth prefer to use relaxation techniques over pain relieving medications.

So if you wish to deliver naturally you need to start prepping since the time you get to know you that you have conceived. Natural birth is not about preparing ourselves physically in the last few weeks of pregnancy but it’s a long journey since the time of conception till you deliver.

When do I start?

Healthy pregnant women can safely start exercises during the first trimester under the guidance of a physiotherapist. Your physiotherapist will asses you and guide you for proper antenatal exercise regimen. It is always recommended getting assessed first and then following a customised Exercise program.

What exercises will help me deliver naturally?

I wont say a particular exercise would help you deliver naturally. I would rather say that exercise help you prepare your body for the process of labor. It will also help overcome nausea, tiredness and bloating that usually expecting mothers complain about. They also fasten your recovery in the post natal phase.

A well planned exercise routine focusing on upper body, back, lower body and pelvis with trimester wise progression have been proven to help mothers stay fit, reduce risk for hypertension/ diabetes and lessen the chances of C-section. So its not only about delivering naturally but also recovering quickly.

Have queries or concern ?

    Pain relief..

    Since many mothers are opting for a natural birth, we help them understand different ways to support and promote natural birth. What scares the mother most is PAIN, so, a mother not only needs to prepare herself physically but mentally too.

    You can always opt for natural pain relief options like massage, aromatherapy, hot/ cold compresses, hydrotherapy, music, focused breathing techniques, visualisation, position changes, Trans Electrical Nerve Stimulation, hypnosis and a birth ball for relaxation during active labor. These techniques help in reduce anxiety and also promotes physical and mental relaxation. It is essential that you prepare your mind and body ready for one of its biggest challenges.

    The process of giving birth is an art. When you are going the natural way it requires your soul to focus and connect with your body. Birthing naturally is just another way to find out who you really are, and breaking the barriers you had put up for yourself.

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    Dr. Jaitty Shet

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