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“Golden Period”: Importance Of Time In The Management Of Stroke

“A man who dares to waste one hour has not discovered the value of life.”
― Charles Darwin, The Life & Letters of Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin was right when he explained how significant the value of time is! This makes even more sense for the patients suffering from stroke.
When it comes to successfully minimising physical and subsequent mental and emotional damage caused by stroke, timing is everything. Yet, patients and their loved ones experiencing signs of stroke may wait too long before calling for help. Even worse is rushing to a hospital not equipped with immediate care to be given for stroke patients. Time lost is brain lost!

Narrowing of the blood vessel, rupturing of blood vessels or blood clots in blood vessels can cause brain attack or paralysis. Without oxygen and energy, the brain cannot function. If the blood supply to the brain is stopped for more than 3-6 hours, death of the brain cells occurs. To avoid this, it is essential to maintain a regular and uninterrupted blood supply to the brain. If brain cells die, it causes that portion of the brain to swell, and if swelling progresses beyond a particular point, it causes danger to a person’s life.

MRI and scanning help in diagnosis and treatment. These investigations help differentiate different types of stroke and assess their severity. Once the diagnosis is made, appropriate treatment is easy.

Unfortunately, many patients don’t reach the hospital in time after paralysis, which is why immediate care cannot be given to them.

Symptoms of paralysis:

  1. Sudden loss of power or heaviness in one side of the body
  2. Numbness in one side of the body
  3. Loss of speech
  4. Diminished or complete loss of vision

If any of these symptoms are experienced, please do not waste even a second rushing to the nearest hospital, which has facilities for immediate stroke care management.

Hospitals that specialise in Stroke care have a team trained to act fast and follow a well-defined Stroke Protocol, which minimizes the time it takes to start effective treatment.




  • What is the ‘golden period’ for stroke management?
  • The golden period is the first 4.5 hours after stroke onset, during which treatment is most effective.
  • Why is early treatment crucial for stroke?
  • Early treatment can prevent long-term damage and increase the chances of recovery.
  • What treatments are available during the golden period?
  • Treatments include clot-dissolving medications like tPA and endovascular procedures to remove clots.
  • What are the warning signs of a stroke?
  • Symptoms include sudden numbness, confusion, trouble speaking, or difficulty walking.
  • Can strokes be prevented with timely care?
  • Early management of risk factors like high blood pressure and diabetes can prevent strokes.

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