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Home > COVID Homewell Package

COVID Homewell Package

Considering the insurgence in the number of COVID Cases in the city, and the necessity of a tailor-made service for asymptomatic COVID Patients or those with mild symptoms, Sahyadri Hospitals, as a part of our social responsibility, have initiated carefully designed & customized ‘Homewell COVID Packages’, with which you can be assured of the best treatment plan at the comfort of your home, without any hospital stay, along with close monitoring by our medical team. These packages are as per the guidelines of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW).

Win the COVID battle without the hospital hassles Sahyadri Hospitals introduces, Homewell Covid Packages starting just at ₹.88/- per day***For COVID positive patients – Mild or No symptoms (asymptomatic)

Comprehensive Care Package @ ₹. 7,000/- (for 17 Days): Package includes:

  • 1st Consultation with Physician @Hospital followed by Online Follow-up Consultation**
  • Essential Home Care Kit (Vitals Monitoring Devices – Thermometer, BP Monitor, Sp02 Probe, Home Disinfectants, etc.)
  • Detailed Guidelines on Self-Monitoring, Isolation & Personal Hygiene
  • Vital Monitoring by a Dedicated Nursing Care Manager throughout the quarantine period (via tele-review)
  • Diet Consultation (Online)
Premium Care Package @ ₹ 12,000 (for 17 days): Package includes:

  • All services mentioned in Comprehensive Care Package plus following
  • Online psychological counseling
  • Home Sanitisation service at end of quarantine period
  • Repeat COVID testing on Day 15 (by home collection)

Packages exclude: Medicines as advised by Physicians, Ambulance services, IP admission, if required

Homewell COVID Packages for COVID Patients Post Discharge also available.

Screening for COVID Package @ ₹. 1000/- Includes ECG, X Ray & Primary Consultation by Doctor (further if advised appropriate Homewell COVID Packages given)

*As per MoHFW Guidelines for COVID Patients. T&C Apply.

**As mandated by Govt. Guidelines, First consultation should be done in-person.

***Per person cost per day. One time advance payment of complete 17-Day package is required.

Sahyadri Hospitals’ Homewell COVID Packages at a Glance

    Contact Us For Queries

    This Package is a Home Care based package and doesn’t include Ambulance charges/ Hospitalization Charges, if required/ Medicine or Investigations as advised by physician.

    This package is a pre-paid package. In case IP admission is required, package amount is not refundable, partially or fully.

    Contents of the Package Home Care Kit cannot be modified.

    Any additional consumables if required could be purchased from our Pharmacy. Home delivery of medicines available.

    In case of Emergency Call Nursing Care Manager Or Sahyadri Hospital Emergency Nos as follows

    Deccan Gymkhana: 020-6721 3000 Hadapsar: 020-6721 0500 Nagar Road : 020-67271111

    Kothrud : 020-67213300 Bibwewadi : 020-67213700 Surya : 020-24513900

    For More Information, Please Call: +91 8806 25 25 25

    +91-88888 22222
    +91-88062 52525
    Call Now: 88888 22222