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    Meet Our Piles Specialist.

    You Are In Safe Hands With Them.


    Dr. Sanjay Kolte

    General Surgeon

    Consultant Laparoscopy and Bariatric Surgeon, Sahyadri Hospitals Dr. Sanjay Kolte is an experienced Laparoscopic & Bariatric Surgeon .

    13+ Years of experience

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    Dr. Jaysingh Shinde

    General Surgery

    Dr. Jaysingh Shinde is one of the best Laparoscopic, Endoscopic, Gastro-Intestinal & General Surgeon In Pune and has experience of 35 years in these fields.

    35+ Years of experience

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    Dr. S. P. Singh

    General Surgery

    Dr. S.P Singh is Consultant General Surgeon at Sahyadri Hospitals. His area of expertise are General & Laparoscopic Surgery and Gastro internal Surgery.

    17+ Years of experience

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    Dr. Shama Surve

    General Surgery

    Dr. Shama Surve is a Consultant General Surgeon at Sahyadri Hospitals. Her area of expertise is General & Laparoscopic Surgery and Breast.

    14+ Years of experience

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    Dr. Phulchand Pujari

    General Surgery

    Dr. Phulchand Pujari is a Consultant General Surgeon at Sahyadri Hospitals, Pune, and has experience of 15 years in this field. His area of expertise is General Surgery.

    15+ Years of experience

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    Piles Overview

    What is the best treatment for Piles/haemorrhoids?

    The main treatment for piles consists of laser piles treatment, stapler surgery or open surgery. The best treatment for pile is decided only after accessing the stage of piles, overall health status and other factors. Laser treatment for piles is considered to be the best as it has less down time. Patient can join work normally within 3 days.

    What is the cost of piles treatment in Pune?

    Best Piles treatment costs depend upon the medical technology available i.e. open surgery or laser treatment, Doctor’s Experience, type of treatment, medication cost, and diagnostic tests. The cost of haemorrhoids might range between Rs 50,000 to Rs. 120,000/-. At Sahyadri we offer affordable packages & also have facility of 0% Easy EMI along with insurance facility. Get in touch with our support team for more details.

    Which is the best piles hospital in Pune?

    Best Hospital has to have advanced medical technology, highly trained staff & state of the art infra. Sahyadri Hospital is most sought after Piles clinic/hospital in Pune. We have most experienced piles specialists in Pune with most advanced medical technology such as laser piles treatment. We have highly trained paramedical staff along with easy accessibility to hospital location. Also, we have Easy EMI option. Book an appointment with our piles doctors and start your treatment.

    When can I join work back?

    It depends upon healing & recovery speed after the treatment. You should follow your pile experts advice for best & fast recovery. In case of laser piles surgery, the down time is least and usually ranges from 3-4 days only.

    Patient Feedback

    Patient Feedbacks are little doses of motivation that keeps us moving every day. Some of them are:

    One of the top corporate hospitals in Nashik. Their rates are pretty economic compared to other corporate hospitals. Doctors available at Sahyadri hospitals are very much aware of latest technologies of health care industry.

    Virag Sanghavi

    Nashik, India

    Than you to all staff and doctors. Everyone is very helpful and great. All are doing a good job and work. I got diacharged recently and now I feel very proud that I was admitted in this hospital. Special thanks to nurses, sister

    Rahul Nanekar

    Pune, India

    The staff at hospital is very very cooperative, service and facilities are good maintaining all the protocols needed at the time of pandamic best thing is resonable billing.

    Rashmi Gahilod

    Pune, India

    Delivering Best Treatment From Last 28 Years


    5,000+ reviews

    *All Insurance Accepted | *No Cost EMI Available

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    Piles Treatment FAQs

    Here are the frequently asked questions about Piles that our patients mostly ask in the OPD.

    Why is it important to treat piles immediately?
    One should not ignore piles or haemorrhoids. You should seek medical help immediately when you start facing piles problem. It can hamper your daily activities. It becomes extremely difficult for a patient to sit and stand in this situation. If left untreated, it can cause severe complications like:
    1. Bacterial infection around the anus
    2. Strangulated haemorrhoids
    3. Anaemia because of blood loss
    4. Blood clots
    5. Fecal incontinence
    How to diagnose piles?
    At Sahyadri Hospital, we have board-certified piles specialist doctors who will diagnose your condition & assess & initiate the best treatment. The diagnoses of external haemorrhoids are easy but diagnosing internal haemorrhoids might need tests like:
    1. Digital rectal exam
    2. Anoscopy
    3. Sigmoidoscopy
    Which foods to eat and avoid during piles?
    One of the causes of piles is straining bowel movements due to constipation. To prevent further constipation, one can avoid fatty foods like white bread, meat, milk, cheese, processed food items, etc. One should increase intake fibrous food such as fruits, green & leafy vegetables, and whole-grain food items. If you still get confused about what to eat during piles, you can consult our piles doctor for further guidance.
    Which doctor to consult for piles?
    You can consult a proctologist, colorectal surgeon or general surgeon for the piles treatment. At Sahyadri Hospital, we have pune’s best team of piles specialist doctors with experience of 23+ years. You can book an appointment or call us to start the piles treatment.
    Is piles treatment covered under Insurance?
    Yes, it is covered under insurance. However, you should always check with hospital authority if you want to claim insurance. Please get in touch with our support team for more details.
    Why Sahyadri Hospitals ?

    Improving The Quality Of Your Life With Best Healthcare Services.

    At Sahyadri Hospital, our topmost priority is to provide quality and affordable healthcare to every patient. When you choose us, you decide to say goodbye to all your health concerns.

    8 Hospitals

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    2000 Clinician

    2600 Expert Staff

    27 Years Experience

    2000 Clinician

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      *All Insurance Accepted | *No Cost EMI Available

      Sahaydri Hospital Is Covid-19 Safe

      Your safety is taken care of by thermal screening, social distancing, sanitized clinics and hospital rooms, sterilized surgical equipment and mandatory PPE kits during surgery.

      Medical Expertise With Technology

      A dedicated Medical Coordinator assists you throughout the surgery journey from insurance paperwork, to free commute from home to hospital & back and admission-discharge process at the hospital.

      27+ Years Of Experience

      A dedicated Medical Coordinator assists you throughout the surgery journey from insurance paperwork, to free commute from home to hospital & back and admission-discharge process at the hospital.

      Post Surgery Care

      We offer free follow-up consultations and instructions including dietary tips as well as exercises to every patient to ensure they have a smooth recovery to their daily routines.

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