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Home > Post Covid Lung Care

Post Covid Lung Care

If you have suffered from COVID, and now are recovered, though it feels like time to celebrate, it is rather time to undo the lung Damage caused by COVID.Sahyadri Hospitals’ Post COVID Lung Care Program, focussed on Pulmonary Rehabilitation, is designed to help your lungs recover from the effects of the disease, and make them healthier again.
Post COVID Lung Care Package @ rs. 7999/-This Package includes:

  • Consultation with Expert Pulmonologist (2 Nos)
  • Consultation with Chest Physiotherapist (1 Nos)
  • Consultation with Nutritionist (1 Nos)
  • Investigations
  • 1) HRCT  2) D-Dimer

  • Two Rehab equipments for Respiratory Exercises

For More Information, Call: +91 8806 25 25 25

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