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For Emergency Ambulance

+91 – 88888 22222

Sahyadri Hospitals Presents Premoms

Your trusted partner for Happy Parenthood

Comprehensive Program for wellness of would-be mothers & fathers.

What does it offer:

Series of online sessions covering topics like Nutrition/ Exercise/ Lamaze/ Breast feeding/Infant Touch Therapy/ Mental Wellbeing/Babycare & more

Also available- a dedicated Pre-conception Care Program for those planning a baby.

Sahyadri Hospitals Presents Premoms

Your trusted partner for Happy Parenthood

Comprehensive Program for wellness of would-be mothers & fathers.

What does it offer:

Series of online sessions covering topics like Nutrition/ Exercise/ Lamaze/ Breast feeding/Infant Touch Therapy/ Mental Wellbeing/Babycare & more.
Also available- a dedicated Pre-conception Care Program for those planning a baby.

What Does It Offer?

Comprehensive Program run by Team of Experts

Dietician | Psychologist | Physiotherapist | Lactation Expert

Special Sessions On

– Labour Delivery with Gynaecologist
– Baby Care with Pediatrician
Nagar Road – Every Wednesday & Saturday

Hadapsar – Every Monday & Saturday

Schedule Your Appointment!

    *Sahyadri patient support team will contact you soon!

    +91-88888 22222
    +91-88062 52525
    Call Now: 88888 22222