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Computer Vision Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, Prevention Tips

The phrase “computer vision syndrome,” sometimes known as “CVS,” refers to a collection of eye and vision-related issues that may arise as a result of extended usage of devices that have digital displays (for more than 2 hours).

A person’s visual system is subjected to greater strain when they use electronic devices such as computers, tablets, and smartphones. The symptoms of CVS, such as eye strain and headaches, may be brought on by using these gadgets for lengthy periods without taking breaks.

Some individuals have visual changes or witness flashes of light. Serious eye injuries might result in permanent visual loss. A major eye injury should be treated as an emergency and taken to the specialist as soon as possible.


It is sometimes more difficult for the eyes to read content on a digital device than to read it on paper for various reasons. Several things may cause CVS, such as:

  • Bad lighting
  • Using a computer while in poor posture
  • Screen glare
  • Eyesight issues that are not treated
  • Seeing a computer at an improper angle and distance
  • Blinking infrequently

 Factors that put you at a higher risk for CVS include: 


  • A screen that is too near to you
  • Avoid taking breaks while working.
  • Spend a few hours every day using one of these gadgets.
  • Have vision issues that cannot be resolved by glasses or contact lenses
  • While utilizing one of these gadgets, adopt poor posture.
  • Having a pair of glasses that aren’t ideal for looking at your computer from a distance
  • Viewing the screen from an incorrect angle



The symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome include:

  • Strained eyes
  • Itchy and dry eyes
  • Hazy vision
  • Double vision
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Nearsightedness, often known as myopia
  • Headaches
  • Stiffness or ache in the neck or shoulders
  • Backache


    Listed below are some ways of prevention.


    • Check out the 20-20-20 Rule: Spend 20 minutes working on a computer screen, followed by a 20-second break during which you should ideally be staring at anything 20 feet away. This will provide much-needed rest for your eyes. 
    • Examine your setup: To lessen the entire stress on your body, not just your vision, adjust the height of your screen concerning your eyes and how your workplace is organized. The safest distance to sit from your computer screen is roughly an arm’s length away or 25 inches. 
    • Think about anti-glare displays: Antiglare displays may aid in preventing or lessening CVS. 
    • Check the brightness: To reduce eye strain, ensure the light intensity in your desk’s area is suitable. 
    • Take quick blinking pauses: You might not blink often enough if you stare at a computer screen for an extended time since you are focused on your task. Dry eyes may result from this. It could result in long-term eye discomfort and inflammation. 
    • Use eye drops: If your eyes are overly dry, itchy, or inflamed, these may assist. If you often get dry eye, you could think about utilizing a room humidifier. 
    • Have your eyes examined: You might require a new prescription for glasses. 
    • Try some blue-light glasses: Because blue light from computer displays has a smaller effect on the circadian rhythm after dark, glasses with a special lens may lessen eye strain and promote sleep. 
    • Consider eyesight training: If you have followed the lifestyle modifications but are still experiencing discomfort, blurred vision, and dry eyes, you might have to participate in vision training. This well-organized course trains you in routines and exercises to sharpen your vision, particularly when working.


    Maintain your prescription glasses or contacts up to date by scheduling annual examinations with your eye doctor. You should tell them about your issues if you have any. Glasses or contact lenses might be necessary. They will determine whether or not you require a different pair of glasses designed specifically for computer use. The doctor may recommend a single or bifocal lens or a tinted lens material to increase contrast and reduce glare.

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    Dr. Anuprita Gandhi Bhatt

    Contact: +91 88888 22222
    Email – ask@sahyadrihospitals.com


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