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What to Do If Your Baby is Not Breastfeeding Very Well?

Although breastfeeding is a great and joyful experience, there are challenges involved. For example, older infants who have been successfully nursing for weeks or months may abruptly cease, while newborns may have difficulties latching on and trying to nurse.

Although all of these scenarios are difficult, have patience and seek assistance if you require it. For aid and support, visit a doctor or lactation specialist. You can usually find a workaround so you can continue to breastfeed.

Precautions to Take Before You Start Breastfeeding Your Baby

The following are some significant factors to think about before you begin nursing your child:

  • Antenatal courses are open to expectant moms. In those lessons at 6 to 8 months, lactation counselling instructs moms about typical breastfeeding issues such as the best position, best time, and when to nurse, in addition to strengthening the mother-child attachment. This enables better feeding.
  • It is crucial to have a healthy diet to support the hormones needed for nursing. The mother should begin nursing within the first 30 minutes after the baby’s delivery. Colostrum, a kind of early milk, is rich in nutrients and immune-boosting substances that support the infant’s ability to beat off illnesses and develop immunity.
  • Even after a C-section, the infant latches on to the breast for the first 30 minutes. After that, the little one attempts to nurse the mother.

Reasons Baby Refuse to Breastfeed

Following are some reasons why the baby refuses to breastfeed: 

  • Your baby’s attention is diverted: The loudness and colours of moving items shift your infant’s attention from drinking milk. It releases the nipple during feeding and looks in the direction of the sound or the moving object.
  • Your baby is receiving less breast milk from you: Although more bottles may reduce milk production, other factors contribute to a lack of milk.
  • You have inverted or flat nipples: This is a typical issue that new moms deal with. Most of the time, newborns can latch on without much difficulty, but if they can’t suckle adequately, they may not eat properly. Short feeding intervals and unhappy, hungry newborns are the effects of this.
  • Your baby is falling asleep: The infant sometimes nods off while being fed. By softly pressing your breast and petting the infant beneath or under its chin, you may continue feeding them.


Breastfeeding Tips for New Moms

Here is some helpful nursing advice for new mothers.

  • Try to start breastfeeding as soon as possible after delivery: This promotes uterine contraction and produces the priceless colostrum. Additionally, request a baby room so you may breastfeed whenever you need to in the hospital.
  • Give your infant more affection: Give your infant more comforting hugs, touches, and cuddles. Keep your child close and hold them skin to skin.
  • You may hand- or pump-express your milk: Do this when your baby would normally breastfeed. Then, give your infant your milk. You’ll continue to produce adequate milk this way and are less prone to have clogged ducts or engorged breasts.
  • Try out various nursing positions: Your infant may feel better at ease in a different nursing position.
  • Maintain your routine: As much as you can, maintain the schedule for your infant.
  • Go to your baby’s doctor: Ensure your infant isn’t refusing to breastfeed due to a medical condition, and seek guidance.


The mother’s milk is most beneficial for a newborn since it increases the baby’s immunity. The mother has to put the idea that there is less milk or that the infant isn’t drinking it out of her head. When a baby urinates six to seven times a day, it is assumed that they are consuming milk in sufficient quantity.

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Dr. Pradeep Suryawanshi

Dr. Pradeep Suryawanshi

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