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Which Doctor To Consult For Erectile Dysfunction?

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Erectile dysfunction is a condition where the penis does not get firm or stay firm for long during sexual intercourse. Most male patients go through a phase of erectile dysfunction, and often, it gets better with time. The incidence rate for erectile dysfunction is more common between 40-70-year-old men. Studies show that the prevalence rate of complete ED rises by 15% as men start reaching the age of 70.

Notably, if the male patients have some underlying disorder or health condition, the damage may become permanent. Thus, it is essential to contact the right doctor for the diagnosis and treatment of erectile dysfunction. Indeed, they would run tests, both physical examination and psychological analysis, to determine the condition’s cause.

Erectile dysfunction is a condition where the penis does not get firm or stay firm for long during sexual intercourse. Most male patients go through a phase of erectile dysfunction, and often, it gets better with time. The incidence rate for erectile dysfunction is more common between 40-70-year-old men. Studies show that the prevalence rate of complete ED rises by 15% as men start reaching the age of 70.

Notably, if the male patients have some underlying disorder or health condition, the damage may become permanent. Thus, it is essential to contact the right doctor for the diagnosis and treatment of erectile dysfunction. Indeed, they would run tests, both physical examination and psychological analysis, to determine the condition’s cause.

Causes Of Erectile Dysfunction

There are multiple erectile dysfunction causes, including emotion-based and physical-based reasons. The following are the leading causes per category.

Emotional Causes

  • Stress
  • Mental health conditions like anxiety or depression.
  • Relationship issues from stress, lack of communication, or other obstacles.

Physical Causes

  • Low levels of testosterone
  • Injuries at the spinal cord or pelvic area
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Drug use

Which Doctor To Consult For Erectile Dysfunction?

Generally, men can get help with their male infertility issues from a primary care physician first. Later, consulting an endocrinologist or a urologist is effective for more complex diagnosis and treatment.

How Are Psychotherapists Helpful For Treating Erectile Dysfunction?

In many cases, one of the erectile dysfunction causes the mental or emotional instability of a person. Therefore, you should visit a psychologist, psychiatrist, or counsellor for this diagnosis. Essentially, they run mental health check-ups to see if any emotional stressors are causing the condition.

The erectile dysfunction symptoms they look for include the following:

  • Anxiety
  • Intense levels of stress
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Communication issues or relationship problems
  • Depression symptoms, like low interest in performing any activity, concentration issues, extreme tiredness, and suicidal thoughts
  • Performance anxiety

Furthermore, these psychotherapists ask questions regarding patients’ personal lives, relationships, and history. Based on the information, they diagnose the erectile dysfunction causes and plan a treatment method.

How Does A Urologist Examine You?

Urologists are specialized health professionals trained in treating the male reproductive system and urinary tract.

They diagnose and treat issues such as:

  • Cancer
  • Kidney stones
  • Kidney disease
  • Urethra disease
  • Bladder disorders
  • Infections
  • Pelvic muscle problems
  • Male infertility
  • Erectile dysfunction (ED)

Urologists conduct inquiries about the medical history of their patients, focusing on:

  • The cause of ED
  • The permanence of the dysfunction
  • Available treatment options
  • Side effects and how the patient would respond to them

Urologists prescribe tests to determine the stage and causes of erectile dysfunction:

  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test
  • Blood test to check hormone levels
  • Penile ultrasound

The NPT test includes an overnight stay for the patient, where sensors are used to verify the rate and intensity of involuntary erections during sleep.

Urologists may also conduct a digital rectal examination to check for abnormalities in the prostate glands.

Treatment options provided by urologists include:

  • Prescription medication
  • Implants
  • Surgery

When Should I See A Doctor About Erectile Dysfunction?

You need to see a doctor if you:

  • Display signs for other conditions besides the erectile dysfunction symptoms
  • Have an underlying medical condition like diabetes or coronary artery disease
  • Cannot get sufficient erection and notice delayed or premature ejaculation during sexual intercourse

When Should I See A Doctor About Erectile Dysfunction?

You need to see a doctor if you:

  • Display signs for other conditions besides the erectile dysfunction symptoms
  • Have an underlying medical condition like diabetes or coronary artery disease
  • Cannot get sufficient erection and notice delayed or premature ejaculation during sexual intercourse

Treatment Options For Erectile Dysfunction

Doctors conduct multiple tests to find the cause of the condition in male patients and provide treatment. An MMAS report showed that 52% of the participants have erectile dysfunction to some degree. Out of them, 25% of responders observed moderate ED, 17% saw mild erectile dysfunction symptoms, and 10% got complete ED.

For treatment, doctors can prescribe particular drugs to male infertility patients, such as avanafil, tadalafil, sildenafil, and vardenafil. Other treatments include:

  • Surgical implants in the penis
  • Suppositories
  • Injections
  • Particular devices such as vacuum pumps enhance blood flow in the region.

Furthermore, tests show if the male patients have diabetes, high blood pressure, or hardened arteries. In such cases, they prescribe medications for these conditions. Also, often the causes of erectile dysfunction are previous medical treatment plans, like radiation therapy or prostate surgery. Here, doctors provide medications and medical support suitable for such cases.

However, if the main reason for erectile dysfunction is due to emotional causes like depression or anxiety, doctors recommend a psychological evaluation.


Overall, you should go to a counsellor, general physician, or specialised experts like urologists for erectile dysfunction treatment. They have training and expertise in every male infertility condition.


  1. Which doctor should I consult for erectile dysfunction?
    Consult a primary care physician for an initial assessment. Urologists and endocrinologists are experts in specialised diagnosis and treatment.
  2. Can emotional issues cause erectile dysfunction?
    Yes, stress, anxiety, and relationship issues can cause or worsen ED. Consulting a therapist can help if emotional factors play a role.
  3. How does a urologist diagnose erectile dysfunction?
    Urologists assess ED by performing nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) tests, blood hormone levels, and penile ultrasound.
  4. What treatments are available for erectile dysfunction?
    Treatment options include medications, surgical implants, suppositories, injections, and vacuum devices to improve blood flow.
  5. When should I see a doctor for erectile dysfunction?

See a doctor if ED is persistent, affects your quality of life, or if you have underlying health conditions like diabetes or heart disease.

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