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What is Hernia Operation?


A hernia is a painful condition where an internal organ protrudes from a weakened area in the muscles around it. There are various types of hernias which include inguinal hernia, umbilical hernia, hiatal hernia, etc. Usually, a hernia needs medical attention as it is highly improbable to go away on its own.

Hernia operation also termed as herniorrhaphy, is the surgical procedure that removes the hernia. These are chiefly of two types – laparoscopic surgery and open surgery.

If you are dealing with hernia pain, it’s time to get rid of it. Read this blog to know everything in detail.

How to know if you need a Hernia operation?

Various criteria determine if you need a hernia operation. The medical professional will recommend it if –

  1. The hernia causes severe discomfort or pain.
  2. Strangulation of the hernia
  3. Incarceration of the tissues within the abdominal wall

In other words, you need to visit a hospital and talk to a doctor. Only then he would consult you and recommend the best hernia treatment.

Types of Hernia Surgery

There are mainly two types of hernia surgery. These include –

  • Laparoscopic hernia surgery

It is a less-invasive procedure in which the surgeon makes small incisions to insert different surgical instruments. Then, the surgeon removes the hernia. 

  • Open or traditional hernia surgery

In open hernia surgery, the surgeon makes a large cut on the skin. It may have a length of several inches, and the doctor fixes the hernia via this opening. 

Preparation before the Hernia operation

Diagnosis of hernia occurs days before the actual surgery. After the accurate assessment happens, the surgeon will schedule an appointment with you. However, in case of emergencies, you might have to do it immediately. 

Before the surgery, the doctor will examine your medical history. Then, he will offer you relevant instructions. The most common ones include stopping the consumption of medications that can increase the bleeding risk. Moreover, there will also be a restriction on food and fluid from the night before the surgery. It is to ensure that there is no chance of vomiting.

You should wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes on the day of the surgery. Moreover, make sure that there is someone to take you back home after the operation.

Hernia Surgery Procedures

Different types of anesthesia can be used during hernia surgeries. The surgeon can opt for general anesthesia, or they can choose local or regional anesthesia.

  • Laparoscopic hernia surgery

In laparoscopic hernia surgery, general anesthesia is used. At the beginning of the operation, a harmless gaseous compound is inserted into the abdomen. It will let the surgeon have a better picture of the inside region. 

Then, the laparoscope and other suitable instruments are inserted via small incisions on the body. After locating the herniated organ, the surgeon will put up a mesh patch and fix it with surgical clips, staples, etc. Then, the closure of the incision with surgical tapes or sutures marks the end of the operation. 

  • Open or Traditional Hernia Surgery

In open hernia surgery, a long incision is made near the herniated organ. Then, the surgeon pushes back the organ in its place and puts a mesh over it. After that, stitches close the incision mark. In this case, the surgeons can use local anesthesia. 

Risks that are associated with Hernia Surgery

Though hernia surgery is relatively safe, it does come with some risks. These are –

  • Clotting of blood
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Injury to testicle or intestine
  • Infection

In the case of children, the success rate of hernia repair is considerably high. However, in adults, there is a small percentage that displays a hernia return. The risks and complications also depend upon the hospital and surgeon you choose. 

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    Recovery from a Hernia Operation

    The recovery period of the patients opting for a hernia operation varies depending on several factors. The hernia type, age, type of surgery can influence the recovery period. Moreover, overall health and the expertise of the surgeon also impact the recovery.

    Generally, the patient takes four to six weeks for a full recovery. However, in the case of laparoscopic surgery, the time needed is much less, and the patient is released on the day of the surgery itself. Also, you can take a shower within 48 hours of the surgery and go back to work within three days-2 weeks after the surgery.


    There are mainly two types of hernia surgeries. Depending on the severity of your condition, the surgeon will choose any one of them. Moreover, you must follow the instructions after the surgery to enhance the recovery process. But, if you encounter symptoms such as high fever, severe pain, or bleeding, you must call the doctor immediately.

    Our experts have high expertise in treating hernias. You can book an appointment to get rid of the pain today.

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