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JN 1 Covid Subvariant: Symptoms, Tests & Treatment

JN 1 Covid Subvariant

The World Health Organization (WHO) has recently designated the JN.1 coronavirus sub-variant as a “variant of interest” due to its swift spread. Initially representing 3 per cent of cases in early November, it surged to 27.1 per cent globally a month later.

Let’s understand the origins of JN.1, its connection to previous variants, and why it’s catching the world’s attention.

What is JN.1?

First identified in August, JN.1 evolved from the BA.2.86 variant, a descendant of the omicron variant that wreaked havoc in early 2022. Though BA.2.86 didn’t spread widely, its numerous spike protein mutations raised concerns. JN.1 is similar but possesses an extra spike protein mutation.

The spike protein acts like a key to enter cells, and vaccines train the body to reinforce these locks. When the spike protein significantly changes, it becomes challenging for antibodies to recognise and fight the virus. However, our immune system has multiple defences, allowing it to deal with the virus and reduce infection severity.

What is a Variant of Interest?

A “variant of interest” title by the WHO is given to variants that appear to spread faster and have genetic changes i.e. mutation that is thought or known to produce significant differences from the original strain and has spread in multiple regions or countries.

What are the Common Symptoms of the JN.1 variant?

To date, there is no vaccine to protect against this family of viruses. The standard recommendations to prevent infection spread include regular hand washing, covering mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, and thoroughly cooking meat and eggs.

WHO also advises that people should avoid close contact with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness, such as coughing and sneezing.

Tests and Treatments

Existing COVID-19 tests and treatments are expected to be effective against JN.1. While it doesn’t seem to cause more severe disease, it does exhibit some advantages over other strains.

Understanding JN.1 is crucial as it continues to spread globally. Despite sharing similarities with previous variants, its additional spike protein mutation raises concerns. Vigilant monitoring of its impact, symptoms, and response to treatments is vital.

Adhering to health guidelines, getting vaccinated, wearing masks, and staying informed is important in managing its spread.




  1. What is the JN.1 COVID variant?
    JN.1 is a new variant of the COVID-19 virus with mutations that may affect transmissibility or severity.
  2. Is the JN.1 variant more dangerous than previous variants?
    Research is ongoing, but it’s important to follow public health guidelines.
  3. Are vaccines effective against the JN.1 variant?
    Vaccines offer protection, but booster shots may be needed for new variants.
  4. What symptoms are associated with the JN.1 variant?
    Symptoms may include fever, cough, fatigue, and loss of taste or smell, similar to other variants.
  5. How can I protect myself from the JN.1 variant?
    Maintain hygiene, wear masks, practice social distancing, and stay updated on vaccinations.

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