How Everyday Screen Time is Affecting Your Eyes
In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at how screen time can affect your eyes and what you can do to mitigate these risks.
Does the Sclera become the Cornea?
When the sclera is exposed to a special kind of light, it becomes thinner and more transparent.
Types Of Cataract Surgery & Which Cataract Surgery Is Safe For You?
Cataract surgery is a procedure to remove the cloudy lenses that can form in the eye due to cataracts.
Do’s And Don’ts After Cataract Surgery?
To ensure a safe and successful healing journey after cataract surgery, there are many dos and don’ts to keep in mind
Diabetic Retinopathy
संपूर्ण जगात 40 कोटी पेक्षा जास्त लोकं मधुमेह(डायबिटीज़ मेलिटस)च्या आजाराने ग्रस्त आहेत. त्याच्यातले जवळपास 8 कोटी रुग्ण भारतात आहेत. गेल्या 40 वर्षात मधुमेहाच्या रुग्णांची संख्या वाढत चालली आहे. त्यांच्यातल्या जवळपास 30 टक्के लोकांना मधुमेहामुळे डोळ्याच्या पडद्यावर दुष्परिणाम (डायबेटिक रेटिनोपथी- डी आर) असतो.