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How To Prevent Acidity
We have heard people complaining about having a burning sensation in the chest or they say they have got acidity? But ever wondered what is acidity or how its caused? Let’s understand what is acidity and How is acidity caused?
Everything You Need To Know About Hyperacidity
Nowadays, due to unhealthy eating habits and lifestyle, people are facing problems with acidity i.e. gas in people. Many patients come and say that “they are having gas”, “having problems with acid”.
Operative Care After A Liver Transplant
Liver transplants have revolutionized treatments for individuals diagnosed with liver disease, liver cancer, and liver failure. Replacing a damaged liver with a healthy liver is an effective treatment for liver disease, however, postoperative care plays an extremely important role to witness long-term benefits after the transplant.
How To Take Care Of Newborn Baby?
Parents, especially new parents, hate seeing their babies suffer. Plus with all the warnings about over-the-counter medications and children…
Breast Feeding: Responsibility of a care giver and the right of a newborn
Breastfeeding is the normal way of providing young infants with the nutrients they need for healthy growth and development
Newborns Babies Diseases
Babies are most vulnerable just after birth. They may be born with certain congenital conditions or may contract infections easily.
डेंगू : म्हणजे काय?, कसा होतो ? काय आहेत लक्षणे आणि उपचार?
सुखद पावसाळा सुरु होत असतांना डेंगू सारखे आजार देखील डोके वर काढून चिंता निर्माण करतात. गत वर्षांमध्ये क्वचित डेंग्यूचे रुग्ण दगावलेही असल्यामुळे दहशतीचे वातावरण दिसते.
Delayed cord clamping to your birth plan: To improve future of Newborn baby
After baby is born we usually think of the umbilical cord as a relic – part of a life support system that is no longer needed.
The Critical Importance Of Timely Medical Care
It can be dangerous to postpone the plans to weekends to seek medical attention for health related issues of yourself or your near & dear-ones…..