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Pre Diabetes and Lifestyle Modification

Dr. Vaishali Pathak | Diabetologist 

lifestyle modifications for diabetes
Out of 463 million Diabetics in the world in 2019, 77 million diabetics were in India. That is nearly 16% of diabetic population

So are we called as “Diabetic Capital “of the World!

The biggest and most important reason for this increasing number of diabetes or diabetic individuals is changing lifestyle, increasing obesity and lack of exercise.

Although in the presence of effective insulin and antidiabetics available in the market this diabetes has no complete cure.

If decided well in time, diabetes can be prevented and prohibited.

What is Prediabetes?

A condition prior to diabetes is called as pre diabetes.

If one is able to diagnose this Prediabetes well in time and by changing lifestyle, increasing exercise and at times with Some medication we can control Prediabetes and one can achieve stage of being  Non diabetic.”

Also Read: Is Reversal of Diabetes Possible


How to diagnose Prediabetes?

To diagnose, fasting sugar level has to be more than 100 and less than 126 and post meal blood sugar more than 140 mg percent. HbA1c Between 5.7 to 6.3

This level show clear-cut diagnostics of Prediabetes. Sometimes by doing serum fasting insulin level we can think of insulin resistance. Then there is HOMA IR Ratio. It is a formula of fasting insulin / fasting glucose.

This gives value according to which we can know level of insulin resistance. Increasing insulin resistance leads to pre diabetes, which if not controlled leads to diabetes.

Have queries or concern ?

    Who should check for pre diabetes?

    Every individual who is above 35 years of age should check fasting and post meal blood sugar levels, HbA1c, fasting insulin level. Those with high body weight and family history of diabetes should check about parameters once in a year.

    Management of prediabetes

    After diagnosing one to have pre diabetes, one should do calorie restricted diet, cutting down of carbohydrates, cutting down on portion size of one’s own meal.

    • Calculating proper macros and then consuming such diet.
    • Avoid bakery products, ready made juices, alcohol, fried foods, cold drinks etc.
    • Eat more wholesome foods like fruits, vegetables, salads, sprouts, fish and chicken.
    • High protein and low Carbohydrate diet is key to success.
    • Daily exercise up to 45 minutes of cardiovascular exercise like brisk walking, cycling, jogging, running and swimming.
    • Strength training is equally necessary to increase basal metabolic rate.
    • Reduce fat percentage less than 30% for females and less than 20% for males.

    To reduce body weight in morbidly obese person whose BMI is more than 35, Bariatric surgery is an option to treat their pre diabetes.

    By managing good and healthy lifestyle, one can remain non diabetic up to four to five years from the state of pre diabetes.

    “Better be safe than sorry”

    About Author


    Dr. Vaishali Pathak

    Diabetologist, Sahyadri Hospital Deccan Gymkhana Contact: +91 88888 22222
    Email – [email protected]

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