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Home > Blogs > Sahyadri Hospital’s Taluka Level Transplant Centre Will Add Convenience to Patients From Rural Areas

Sahyadri Hospital’s Taluka Level Transplant Centre Will Add Convenience to Patients From Rural Areas

Continuing with it’s endeavor of delivering world class healthcare to all , Sahyadri Super Speciality Hospital recently started an organ transplant center at Karad. The taluka level organ transplant center will bring much relief to the patients of Sangli, Satara, Kolhapur, Ratnagiri and surrounding areas who now will not need to travel to major cities for liver transplant services. The organ transplant center can conduct liver, pancreas and kidney transplants.

Recently, a 54-year-old patient who was suffering from chronic liver disease and had primary stage Hepato Cellular Carcinoma , was the first one to undergo liver transplant at the new center at Sahyadri Hospital’s Karad Unit . He received liver from a 52-year-old woman who was declared brain dead at a hospital in Kolhapur. The liver was brought from Kolhapur to Karad in 25 minutes through a green corridor. Thereafter it took four hours to complete the liver transplant surgery.

Due to the Liver Transplant facility, patients from Karad, Sangli, Satara, Kolhapur, Ratnagiri and surrounding areas will not have to travel to major cities. The diagnosis and surgical treatment facilities under one roof will add bring much relief to the patients and their relatives.

The launch of the transplant service at Karad is an important milestone. Sahyadri Hospitals had been expanding facilities step by step over the last decade at Karad. Recently, a state-of-the-art cancer treatment transplant center was inaugurated at Karad .

Liver problems are becoming a concern in India. Not only alcohol but also wrong lifestyle, wrong diet, lack of exercise are all risk factors. If neglected and not diagnosed and treated on time, it can cause further complications. We have been conducting outreach programs through Liver OPDs in semi urban areas and smaller cities. Many a times transplantation is the only option left in patients with end-stage liver disease or in patients with liver failure. Therefore an organ transplant center at Taluka place can reduce time and give a new lease of life to many.


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