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Home > Doctors > Dr. Govind Kulkarni

Internal Medicine

Dr. Govind Kulkarni


Internal Medicine

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Available At…

  • Nagar Road – Pune
Dr. Govind Kulkarni is a world renowned Cardiologist with over 22 years of experience as a practicing consultant in Medicine, Critical Care Medicine, Cardiology and Diabetes.

Dr. Govind Kulkarni is currently associated with Cloudnine Hospitals. He completed his MBBS from the Govt. Medical College and Hospital, Aurangabad, Maharashtra in the year 1990 and his MD in Medicine from Govt. Medical College, Maharashtra in the year 1995, here he was awarded a gold medal for his excellent performance. He did his Fellowship in Cardiology and Cardiac Research from Sydney University, Australia in the year 1996. He is also a member of the Indian Medical Association (IMA) and RSSDI.

OPD Timings

Nagar Road – Pune


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