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Common Breastfeeding Mistakes & How to Fix

Even though it may appear natural and obvious, breastfeeding is a skill that first-time mothers might find challenging to master. Breastfed babies get many advantages as a result of their participation in the activity of breastfeeding.

On the other hand, it is not uncommon for mothers to fumble when they are trying to breastfeed their young children. When breastfeeding her child, a mother should be aware of common mistakes and potential solutions.

Avoid being hesitant

If your baby is unable to nurse, you shouldn’t deny or second-guess the fact. Since most mothers assume their infants know how to nurse instinctively, they may feel helpless if they have difficulties doing so.

Keep in mind that you should talk to someone and obtain assistance as quickly as possible. As a result, you may consult a medical professional without further delay.

Plan out the steps to take

Breastfeeding advice may come from a variety of sources, including well-meaning friends and family members. However, you should exercise caution before putting your faith in them and trying out their solutions since doing so might have negative consequences.

That’s why it’s recommended that you get advice from an expert and have your concerns addressed.

Position yourself

A common observation is that breastfeeding mothers neglect their health. They are unable to feed the infant effectively because of discomfort brought on by poor sitting position.

If you’re experiencing discomfort when breastfeeding your infant, try sitting up straight, using back support, keeping a cushion on your lap, and resting the baby on the pillow. Instead of stooping low, it’s best to hold the infant up high when you nurse.


Keep the infant in a sleeping position as you feed it

You won’t be able to avoid feeding your infant for at least a year, and maybe more than two, so sitting isn’t required. Yet many mothers are unaware that it is equally secure to feed their babies when they are lying down.

Here are the safety measures you should take. A baby will burp more effectively if you’re awake, tilt the infant’s posture slightly, and grab the baby upright after breastfeeding.

Using the Breastfeeding Latch

It has been noted that many moms give their babies the nipple when they breastfeed, resulting in an inadequate supply of milk.

In addition, this may result in injury and discomfort. Therefore, the latch (hold) over the breast is crucial to successful breastfeeding. So, remember to give the infant its whole nipple (areola) while feeding them so they can develop a stronger grasp.

Don’t pull the infant forcibly

Another common blunder is using too much force while attempting to nurse. The infant may get irritated and scream, which would almost indeed prevent him from eating normally.

If you want to breastfeed your baby, you should pick him up gently, prop him up on a cushion so that his chest is at the same level as yours, hold him by the neck instead than the head, and have him nuzzle his nipple. The baby’s interest in food may flourish as a result.

Infants often fall asleep while breastfeeding

Indeed you’ve observed that your baby is sound asleep when you’re breastfeeding. This is not always a sign that the infant is receiving enough to eat or that the breastfeeding is going well.

If you’re having trouble determining whether or not your breastfeeding infant is receiving enough to eat, a lactation consultant can help.

The infant should be fed after he wakes up

You’ve probably heard the advice that if a baby is wailing, it’s best to let them cry it out since they’ll eat better when they’ve worked up an appetite. However, this is an incorrect assertion. Babies typically sleep for 4–5 hours each day, and upon waking, they are ravenous.

In addition, their irritability reduces their capacity to eat. Instead of waiting for the baby to finish crying before giving them milk, you can look out for indicators that they are hungry and provide them with milk at the appropriate moment.

Restrictions on mothers’ diets

After giving birth, women are typically put on a strict diet due to the widespread belief that the mother’s food directly impacts her child’s development. Unfortunately, that is not the case.

Thus, if you are in good health, there is no need to adhere to a particular diet. Increased milk quality is a direct result of improved nutrition.


It’s a common misconception among breastfeeding mothers that they won’t be able to get the hang of it. However, you should be aware that breastfeeding is a psychological process since the quantity of milk you make is tied to your mental condition, and breastfeeding affects both.

As a result, you need to stop giving your breastfeeding abilities a second thought. You will increase your chances of having a good breastfeeding experience if you follow these principles.

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Rashmi Poduval

Lactation Consultant
Contact: +91 88888 22222
Email – ask@sahyadrihospitals.com

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