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HomeVideos > Videos – Paediatrics

Videos – Paediatrics

Conjunctivitis in Children : Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Conjunctivitis in Children : Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Home > Videos > Paediatrics > Conjunctivitis in ChildrenConjunctivitis in Children : Causes, Symptoms, and TreatmentConjunctivitis, colloquially known as "pink eye" or "eye flu," is a common eye condition, especially in children. It's essential for parents...

Dengue in Children: Causes, Symptoms and treatments

Dengue in Children: Causes, Symptoms and treatments

Home > Videos > Paediatrics > Know Causes, Symptoms, Treatments & Prevention of Dengue in ChildrenKnow Causes, Symptoms, Treatments & Prevention of Dengue in ChildrenDengue is one of India's most common yet dangerous health conditions. It's especially...

Complementary and Solid Food for a 6 Months Old Baby

Complementary and Solid Food for a 6 Months Old Baby

Home > Videos > Paediatrics > Complementary and Solid Food for 6 Months Old BabyComplementary and Solid Food for 6 Months Old BabyRashmi Poduval |  Lactation CounselorSolid foods, or complementary foods, are what parents feed their babies after they've been...

Common Breastfeeding Mistakes & How to Fix Them

Common Breastfeeding Mistakes & How to Fix Them

Home > Videos > Paediatrics > Common Breastfeeding Mistakes & How to Fix ThemCommon Breastfeeding Mistakes & How to Fix Rashmi Poduval |  Lactation CounselorEven though it may appear natural and obvious, breastfeeding is a skill that first-time mothers might...

Myths About Breastfeeding

Myths About Breastfeeding

Home > Videos > Paediatrics > Myths About BreastfeedingMyths About BreastfeedingDr. Rani Balgude |  Lactation CounselorWhen you first begin breastfeeding your child, you will get a lot of suggestions, some of which will be useful and some of which will be...

Breastfeeding Tips

Breastfeeding Tips

Home > Videos > Paediatrics > Breastfeeding TipsBreastfeeding TipsDr. Rani Balgude |  Lactation CounselorChoosing to breastfeed is excellent for both you and your child. Your baby receives a full nutritional supply from breast milk, which also helps to ward...

Breastfeeding Problems You Should Know

Breastfeeding Problems You Should Know

Home > Videos > Paediatrics > Breastfeeding Problems You Should KnowBreastfeeding Problems You Should KnowDr. Rani Balgude |  Lactation CounselorAlthough breastfeeding is natural, it is not always simple. Even though it's natural, breastfeeding may be...

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